Author Topic: How I almost died in Indonesia and completely destroyed a 5 star hotel room  (Read 6920 times)

Hi forums, long time no see. I'm bored in LAX airport and I have a story that I feel like I could only tell on this forum. It's probably some of the most forgeted up stuff you've ever heard of. (This is a one time thing, I enjoy being sober now) This is going to be a long story but read it if you have the time. If you don't want to read the whole thing skip to phase 5 for a rundown.

the most forgeted up and close to dying I've ever been on 6 different drugs at once
I was on a surf trip to Bali, Indonesia and had gotten some fun waves with my friends staying about an hour away from the airport, which is in a place called Kuta. Kuta is basically the Cancun Mexico, the party getaway, of Europe and Australia. My friends and I decided to go to a remote island to surf, but we had to spend the night in Kuta to make our flight the next day. And for a reason unknown to me we got a room in the nicest hotel in the entire city.

The best way to describe Kuta is a lawless vortex where bootleg alcohol flows endless and drugs are available at any corner. Frat boys, euro trash, insane aussies all converge into the most insane party scene there is.

Now I'm not the type that likes this kind of stuff, I usually stick to just smoking weed and hanging out with a few beers with my friends, but my friends are of a different type and wanted to make the night the craziest yet, since when we got to the island there would be no beer, power, women, or basically anything except rice, noodles, and surf.

So my friends and I drank a few beers in the room, and they left to go to the first bar. I told them I didn't want to go out because I was tired but I might meet them there if I felt better.

going downhill - phase 1
Once I start on a night with drugs, I wanna keep going on them. That's why I stay away from them 99% of the time.
Sometimes you just have to say forget it. We railed the bag, which wasn't very full, but I felt a rush pretty quick. It wasnt very intense, so I told her I had some more pills that would make tonight super fun.

We called them 'pingers', which a friend we were traveling with was prescribed by the coast guard to keep him awake.
They came with ectasy like side affects which would also give you a huge boost of confidence and the ability to party all night. We crushed up a few that i stole from his bag and snorted those, then we were flying out the door, onto the street and ready to start the most insane night of my life.

phase 2 - ungodly alcohol consumption
In bali there are basically no laws. They will serve you alcohol till you are going into cardiac arrest. Me and the girl found my friends at a bar called Alleycats, which they will serve you a tray of 12 redbull vodkas for $15. And you drink all of them to yourself. 12 redbull vodkas. After an hour we each had a stack of around 15 cups on our table from a few different trays, and were properly as we liked to say "munted". Pingers, ectasy, about 10 redbulls, maybe 2 bottles of vodka between 8 people. This is at 11pm. The start of the night.

phase 3 - bar hopping blackout vortex
The next club we went to serves you a plastic bucket (the kind a kid would have at the beach) full of a ridiculous amount of alcohol. After two of these I was blacked out and about 5 hours of partying I have no memory of.

phase 4 - what the forget mushroom trip
I can recall coming to my senses sitting in an alley with one of my friends and the French girl waiting for a taxi. A scooter came up to us and for some reason beyond me, we bought 4 bags of the strongest mushrooms I'd ever had.  The French girl wanted me to go back to her hotel to have love again but by this point she was annoying me and we went our separate ways. I came back to the hotel to find my friend and some random girl, and so now it was just 2 of my friends and the girl. My other friend we would find out layer had been roofied and woke up on a pool chair in the wrong hotel. And they had one more suprise for us. klonopin. (I don't know if it's an upper or a downer but I snorted it anyways.

Then we took the mushrooms. I ate them taking a stuff butt naked while my friend fed them to me.


- ectasy
- pingers
- 15 red Bull vodkas
- 2 buckets of who knows what blackout juice
- 2 lines of klonopin
- about an eighth of mushrooms
- most likely some sort of drug slipped in my drink

phase 5 - 5 star hotel room destruction fear and loathing style
I can't tell you much about what happened at this point. I'll list some highlights. But we were all tripping literal balls.
And it's going to sound unbelievable but the following points are all true

- the floor of the hotel room was covered in two inches of water from us trying to make it a swimming pool
- the girl voluntarily drank a cup of my piss
- we got butt naked, covered ourselves in soap and were floor swimming and pushing ourselves around the drenched tile floor
- a lamp was thrown out the fifth floor window into the pool
- we broke beer bottles all over the room and the floor was covered in broken glass that floated around.
- the girl got a blow dryer and was blow drying me and my friends balls for us
- we squirted tooth paste all over the walls and ceiling
- we filled condoms with water and threw them at other people's windows
- I covered my self in shaving cream and walked down the hotel hall naked
- my friend drank out of a boudet
- I broke a mirror with my head
- we covered our balls in toothpaste and acted out the play Hamlet
-this all is happening at 7am

phase 6 - the end
It came to an end around 8 am when I laid in bed and felt my heart beating off rhythm. It wasnt an anxiety thing from the mushrooms either. I believed I was going to die and have a massive heart attack. The End by The Doors began to play in my head. I slowly drifted off believing I was dying right there and then from a drug overdose.

well I lived

Well I woke up, we packed up and left paid in cash and that's it. The hotel room was destroyed. And we left for a remote island and never heard about or talked about it again.

the end
« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 12:21:18 PM by Bravo »

but how can a -207 year old do drugs
you're not set to be born for another 207 years

wow this is crazy

what the hell that sounds like some r-rated comedy movie

Edit: forgot to mention I woke up with a huge tattoo of a loving piece of corn

it sounds like you had a fun vacation, but I'm going to call you an absolutely massive idiot for taking so many drugs at once without even knowing what all of them did, then nearly dying the next day due to those drugs.

Sounds like Hangover 2.

Edit: forgot to mention I woke up with a huge tattoo of a loving piece of corn

probably should get that tested m8

edit: e.g. blood diseases
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 12:18:27 PM by Ronin »

it sounds like you had a fun vacation, but I'm going to call you an absolutely massive idiot for taking so many drugs at once without even knowing what all of them did, then nearly dying the next day due to those drugs.
I completely agree, I've been sober since and living healthy. It was a big wake up call.

Edit: forgot to mention I woke up with a huge tattoo of a loving piece of corn

thats hilarious.