[POLL] Should soldiers be buried under their service flag?


If a soldier dies while fighting under their flag, should they have the choice to be buried under it?

Yes. Soldiers should have that choice
If the flag they fought under wasn't an evil army or something
Only the victorious side should have their soldiers buried under their flag
No, soldiers shouldn't be buried under their flag of choosing
Other (State in a detailed post)

Author Topic: [POLL] Should soldiers be buried under their service flag?  (Read 1022 times)

Following this recent event, i've been thinking about what people's opinions are on service burials.

Say you fought in WWII under the Third Reich and died for your country during service. Do you have the right to be buried under the flag you served, even if atrocities were committed by them/they lost the war/their moral values didn't exist? Even though a hell of a lot of jewish people were murdered under the Reich, do soldiers still have the right to request burial under their flag?

I hold no opinion on this matter, and just want to hear other people's say.

erm--i think someone has the right to request burial under whatever flag they want. i don't think it's our job to police that whether we approve of it or not.

What if you're an CIA brother or some bullstuff like that. Do you still deserve to have a burial with your respective flag?
(I know CIA is more of a self-proclaimed force rather than a military entity, but you get the point)

Sure, its your/relatives choice what to bury you under.

I think it should be the family's decision.

What if you're an CIA brother or some bullstuff like that. Do you still deserve to have a burial with your respective flag?
(I know CIA is more of a self-proclaimed force rather than a military entity, but you get the point)

They are proud of who they are so I'm sure they'd like to be buried under their flag.

I think it should be the family's decision.
that seems reasonable

Soldiers generally support the country/group they're fighting for. Saying they shouldn't be buried with their flag because we Americans don't support them/think they're evil is sort of ridiculous

What if you're an CIA brother or some bullstuff like that. Do you still deserve to have a burial with your respective flag?
(I know CIA is more of a self-proclaimed force rather than a military entity, but you get the point)
I wouldn't think they'd be able to gather enough chunks of CIA fighters for a proper burial :cookieMonster:

yeah it's just a symbol, if it means something to them there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to have it

bury me under a national socialist flag

What if you're an CIA brother or some bullstuff like that. Do you still deserve to have a burial with your respective flag?
(I know CIA is more of a self-proclaimed force rather than a military entity, but you get the point)

Uh, yeah. The people who fought for Germany in WWII also deserve to be buried under the national socialist flag, if they want. It's just a notion of respecting the person who died's beliefs.

Whose business is it to tell anyone what goes over their dead body? I should be allowed to have my corpse vacuum-sealed in a bag of margarine if I want.

I should be allowed to have my corpse vacuum-sealed in a bag of margarine if I want.
I've decided that this is how I want my body preserved.