Author Topic: politician greets parliament in 60 different genders  (Read 4510 times)

That's why you say: "Hello, All." Or, "Hello, everyone." If anybody argues to those two, they're being brown town. However, the man in the video purposely calling out everyone is obnoxious, wastes time, and makes everyone - including him - in the room look like an idiot.

Or, perhaps, just maybe, it was a bit of satire in an increasingly hostile environment.

why was he calling out loveual preferences, which aren't genders as far as i'm concerned

Or, perhaps, just maybe, it was a bit of satire in an increasingly hostile environment.

The triggered people (if they want to be called people) don't understand satire or jokes.

why was he calling out loveual preferences, which aren't genders as far as i'm concerned

LGBT use to be about loveual preference but now it's both gender and loveual preference now.

Speaking of which "demiloveual" is a loving gender but the definition is that you won't have love with someone unless you get to know them. So these people claim it's a loving gender but really it's a loveual preference.

So loveual preferences are genders, genders are loveual preferences. I don't know what you expect.

only ✌️ genders

is no one going to address that...strange quote

is no one going to address that...strange quote

it's a shakespeare text generator, a couple people have been using it in drama

it's a shakespeare text generator, a couple people have been using it in drama

what a most wondrous tool f'r useth in the drama threads

what a most wondrous tool f'r useth in the drama threads

it certainly makes drama more entertaining!

Lesbian is now a gender.

For shame Germany, Riddler would have never let this happen.
Riddler let it happen by losing the war.

Riddler let it happen by losing the war.

I suppose you could say it was a doobious affair.

I suppose you could say it was a doobious affair.
damn, what a dooble whammie

damn, what a dooble whammie

Dooble the trouble, I might say.

Back on to OP, everyone seems to be getting their knickers/underpants/pantiloons/underpantickers/knickerpants/knickeroons/fourthknickeredunderoons in a twist over the semantics of the point he was trying to drive home rather than understanding the overall satire joke.  
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 06:00:30 PM by C-Zech Chrome Ind. »

i mean the reality is that there will always be outliers in our society and merely mocking the loveually identifying ones might come off as a little bit patronizing. i'm a vegan and i'll be irritated if my school doesn't serve anything but meat (because they really should, schools should except to have students with health needs or buddhist students or something) but i'm not gonna walk into texas steakhouse and complain that they don't have a lettuce steak. i think we need to treat pretty much any outlier the same way--and we usually do. we intentionally build handicapped access into public buildings and put brail text on public signs. i don't see why allowing someone who doesn't identify as a binary gender (and what is in their mind is all that matters, really) to act as an independant gender is so bad. I don't even support Transgender bathrooms--I just want bathrooms to be deloveualized to begin with. I think men and women and transcobras are capable of taking a stuff in the same room.

imagine if you have a specific allergy, and a politician goes up on stage and begins to mock it. "Yes, yes, I would like some peanut-free peanut butter, waitress," and spends an exceedingly long time mocking you for something that you can't change. Sure, their might be someone like that. And they are probably an starfish. By generalizing all of a group of people, you are also an starfish. If you wouldn't mock someone for anything else they couldn't change, don't mock them for their loveual identity. Instead, mock them for their actions.