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Author Topic: Political Polls [Pt.2: Political orientation]  (Read 9895 times)

I'm just saying that the few people that do have guns should only have pistols. A pistol is enough to defend yourself.

Right, I was agreeing. I'm just saying that I hope we don't take the easy road just because.....it's easy.
Removing them completely, no. Decreasing them, yes. It should be very hard to own something that's main purpose is to end someone's life. I agree that the people who know what they're doing, the people that are qualified and have had background checks, should be allowed to own guns. I think there should be boundaries as to what kind of guns you can own. For example, I'd be fine with someone owning a pistol, but not an assault rifle. If you're one of those people that collect guns, sorry, but there are more important things at stake than you losing a gun from your collection (you know, like people's lives).
I'm going to respectfully disagree with this. A gun's main function is to fire a projectile at a high velocity in a chosen trajectory, no more and no less. This projectile happens to be very good at incapacitating or killing living things, but that is not the primary purpose of a gun.

If I carry a gun for my protection, the point of carrying this is not to shoot anyone remotely threatening. It is only to be used in response to a credible threat or act of violence against myself or an innocent person nearby and even then, a shot likely won't be fired.

I'm just saying that the few people that do have guns should only have pistols. A pistol is enough to defend yourself.
"pistol" covers a wide range of firearms. A .22 semi and a .500 revolver are vastly different.

i mean, guns were definitely made to hurt living things. it's probably safe to say that is their main purpose, even if it isn't their only one

omg the argument that "guns arent weapons. anything could be a weapon is used as such" is genuinely the dumbest thing ive ever heard

« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 02:10:41 AM by McZealot »

but there are more important things at stake than you losing a gun from your collection (you know, like people's lives).
Once you enter the spectrum of property you're not going to have a good time convincing someone to give up their gun because someone deemed it illegal to own.

"pistol" covers a wide range of firearms. A .22 semi and a .500 revolver are vastly different.
The point was, no assault rifles, snipers, shotguns, rocket launchers, missiles, nukes etc.

And all you did was describe what a gun does, not its purpose. Yes, a gun "fires a projectile at a high velocity." That's how it physically works, but it wasn't invented to do just that. I care about the reason the trigger is pulled.

omg the argument that "guns arent weapons. anything could be a weapon is used as such" is genuinely the dumbest thing ive ever heard

I wouldn't go so far as to say they aren't weapons. That's quite frankly ridiculous. They were designed from the beginning to disable or kill. In the end though, it doesn't matter what something was designed for, it matters how people use it.

Once you enter the spectrum of property you're not going to have a good time convincing someone to give up their gun because someone deemed it illegal to own.
Those people wouldn't have to give up their guns because they purchased them when it was legal to do so.

I worded that weird.

So yeah, just the people after the law is passed. It wouldn't be fair for those who already own one legally.

Poll is kind of bad, honestly. "Law-abiding citizens" includes felons, psychopaths, and all other kinds of people you'd never want owning a gun. Where's the option for sensible restrictions?

Those people wouldn't have to give up their guns because they purchased them when it was legal to do so.

I worded that weird.

So yeah, just the people after the law is passed. It wouldn't be fair for those who already own one legally.
o ya i never actually considered it, but that would definitely be challenged easily in court, it'd probably be pretty easy to prove that it would be an ex post facto law, and therefore unconstitutional. ofc the fact that states would probably be in control of that decision would complicate things, not sure how much congress's restrictions have been incorporated into the states

Define assault rifle for us please.
Lol, are we going to get real technical here?

I think you know what I mean. Nothing crazy, you can only have small firearms. I don't know a lot about guns, but you should know what I'm talking about.

Any law-abiding citizen over the age of 18 should be able to own and purchase a firearm with the correct gun license


Oh and if you keep them away from your damn kids so they don't shoot up the school.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 02:27:15 AM by espio100 »

The point was, no assault rifles, snipers, shotguns, rocket launchers, missiles, nukes etc.
Coming back to this post

Assault Rifle, give me more info on this, this is a blanket term and generally people who don't know what they're talking about use this.

Sniper rifles origins start with civilian hunting rifles. That's a very generalistic term. We've used rifles to hunt game with for generations. There is no reason to ban/limit these.

Shotguns are the same as their hunting rifle cousins. Used to hunt and a good self defense and work tool around the home. No reason to ban/limit these.

Rocket Launchers i agree with. Why the forget should the general population have those? Its for the military.

Missiles? Same as the above.

Nukes? Do you think everyone can just walk into a walmart and buy a nuke? Do you take the people who wrote our already existing weapon laws for idiots or something? Nobody has those and nobody will actually want those.

But you don't mind handguns as much? Did you know handgun laws are the most strict in comparison to shotguns and rifles? at 18 in most states you can walk in and buy a shotgun/rifle right off the shelf. But you have to be 21 to have a handgun and have a CCW or permit from the sheriffs department. Know why that is? Because handguns can be concealed better than a rifle and shotgun. It's all about how a weapon is used.

Lol, are we going to get real technical here?

I think you know what I mean. Nothing crazy, you can only have small firearms. I don't know a lot about guns, but you should know what I'm talking about.
I don't know what you're talking about because like i said. Assault rifle is a blanket term that's used and abused in various media. A term most often used by people who don't know what they're talking about. You don't leave me convinced.