Author Topic: The Universe  (Read 3270 times)

How about you show what thr other guys said?

Being honest, I'm going to have to say /nosupport, mainly because there are no chatlogs avaliable/not enough screencaps taken.
Maybe next time, remember to gather the text before you post the ban text.

to be fair though that was the only message he had before he got banned and there's not much else he could do to prove anything so this is still plausible

to be fair though that was the only message he had before he got banned and there's not much else he could do to prove anything so this is still plausible
Yeah, I have to agree. If his story is true then his one line of text is all we'd see anyway.
And while it looks a bit suspicious to crop the text that way, his story is such a minor almost-non-event that it would be completely bizarre for him to bother lying/framing the guy for it.

The guy banned him for a minor reason, and is apparently a bit of a jerk.
But OP isn't accusing him of the crime of the century, so there's not really a necessity for heaps of evidence.

The Universe is usually a good guy.

According to this screenshot, it was a bad move, but he wanted to be left alone.

I don't know what else to say.

The Universe is usually a good guy.
[IM ][/img]
According to this screenshot, it was a bad move, but he wanted to be left alone.

I don't know what else to say.
why didn't he password the server?

I apologize he meant he was getting sass from the OP instead of just getting help, so he banned him

I apologize he meant he was getting sass from the OP instead of just getting help, so he banned him
looks like your friend told you to save face

tell him to make a forum account and post

why didn't he password the server?
May have forgotten to, or he keeps it open so any friends he can't message can join.
There's a few possible reasons.

But if you don't want strangers joining your server you should password it.