Author Topic: help with System_StaticMaps [1.2-beta] -  (Read 1261 times)

it says to load in a new save put this in the consol $loadoffset = "-84 114 -93.9";

to load in oldsaves for the bedroom but it does not work


Need more details

i put in $loadoffset = "-84 114 -93.9";
 then i load my model and nothing happens

i put in $loadoffset = "-84 114 -93.9";
 then i load my model and nothing happens
that is for the loading of build saves, not models. To load a static map, go to the environment settings and choose a map in the drop-down box. To load a build inside the map, enter that into the console and then load it the usual way. This allows for builds like the cottage to line up with it like it use to before interiors were removed.

that is for the loading of build saves, not models. To load a static map, go to the environment settings and choose a map in the drop-down box. To load a build inside the map, enter that into the console and then load it the usual way. This allows for builds like the cottage to line up with it like it use to before interiors were removed.

that is what i ment

Load saves

when i put it in the consol then i try to load a save nothing happens

that is what i ment

Load saves

when i put it in the consol then i try to load a save nothing happens
Where does it go wrong? Does it not say it's loading? Does it not finish? Does nothing happen when you click "Load"? If that's the case, it sounds like you have bigger problems. All that $loadoffset command does is tell the game "Hey, whenever we do load a save file, shift all the bricks this much in these directions." Can't just be the $loadoffset that's causing problems, unless it's causing them to load far away and you're not noticing it or something.

Where does it go wrong? Does it not say it's loading? Does it not finish? Does nothing happen when you click "Load"? If that's the case, it sounds like you have bigger problems. All that $loadoffset command does is tell the game "Hey, whenever we do load a save file, shift all the bricks this much in these directions." Can't just be the $loadoffset that's causing problems, unless it's causing them to load far away and you're not noticing it or something.

it says the load was completed but say 0/12346.... was loaded in

Was the save you're loading actually saved in the bedroom map before version 21?

Was the save you're loading actually saved in the bedroom map before version 21?

i tryed to load beta city and stuff

(edit) Use the code below if nothing works
If that doesn't work you can do this: (remove the comments // if you are not going to use this in a script)
Code: [Select]
$LoadingBricks_Ownership = 2;
$LoadingBricks_BrickGroup = "BrickGroup_25851"; //Your ID (Brickgroup_yourBLID)
$LoadingBricks_Client = findLocalClient();
$LoadingBricks_ColorMethod = 3;
$LoadingBricks_DirName = missionInfo.saveName;
$LoadingBricks_DoOwnership = false; //Load the save's ownership, if it's false it will load all the bricks in the save of whatever brickgroup is above (which should be your BLID)
$LoadingBricks_FileName = "<save file location>";
$LoadingBricks_PositionOffset = "x y z";
$LoadingBricks_Silent = false;
$LoadingBricks_StartTime = getSimTime();
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 12:28:38 PM by Kyuande »

$loadOffset is for loading bricks, and it's default.

$loadOffset is for loading bricks, and it's default.
Oh, I looked again. It's only used in function calcSaveOffset().

Looks like it should work then since it adds the position to $LoadingBricks_PositionOffset