Author Topic: Big Brother's Your Quest Starts Here  (Read 1758 times)

Monetary donations are accepted, as well as building donations and beta testing/bug fixing. All of these will reward the player - simply inquire in-game.

What's This?

Hi guys! Your Quest Starts Here is a revived, new and improved questing game. The server revolves around the conflict between two separate factions living in close proximity. The player has freedom to select their own faction, as well as joining guilds within these factions as they complete a greater number of quests. There are currently almost 30 quests for the player to complete, meaning that there is absolutely hours worth of playtime for completionists. A Day/Night cycle is sometimes employed, adding to the immersion and influencing players to seek refuge in available housing while it rains, or to weather the storm with a torch.

Many of the YQSH Quests require the player to invest in one of three main perks, excluding the two luxury perks. The three main perks are Theft, Sneak and Charm. Respectively, these allow the player to steal goods, break into locked houses and speak to important questgivers. The other two luxury perks are Alchemy and Craft, which allow the player to create powerful spells and to craft exclusive weaponry at the Blacksmith's forge. These two are primarily invested in by dedicated players who have completed most of the quests. Players receive two free perk points every time they level up, which they are free to spend on any perk they choose, depending on what is required of them for a quest. This mechanic gives the player freedom to complete quests at their own speed.

For players who want some downtime between starting different quests, there are various mechanics such as woodcutting (If you have a BattleAxe), mining by the side of the hill (If you have a Warhammer) and target practice (If you have any ranged weapon) which award the player in a variety of ways. There are five different types of wood and five different types of ore, which are all worth different amounts when you convert them to gold with the Converter Station just west of the Drifter spawn point. These resources convert into gold based upon how difficult they each are to attain.

Available Factions

Their quests are mainly exploratory and peaceful.
The Sytolians (sigh-toh-lee-ans) are more peaceful than the Metrovimirans, although they have a corrupt underground which the player will discover.
If you're the type to prefer adventure over murder, this is the faction for you, even though there is definitely some assassination in amidst it all.
Advanced Sytolians are able to join the Guardian Guild, whom spawn with 500 health automatically, as well as free armour and several weapons.

This faction is violent, chaotic and archaic. Synonyms.
The Metrovimirans (met-rov-im-ear-ans) have a deep hatred for the monsters who occupy the land alongside both of the factions.
Thus, many of these quests require the player to do some exterminating. If you're the type to prefer fights over quests, this is the faction for you.
Advanced Metrovimirans are able to join the Dremir Guild, whom spawn with 500 health automatically, as well as free armour and several weapons.

Players who have yet to pick a faction are called Drifters.
Drifters (drif-ters) are given no ranged weaponry and are not allowed to complete many of the quests.
It is widely recognised that nobody likes Drifters according to the lore. Therefore, you'd better pick a faction!

An exclusive guild for donators only.
The Cleftonians (clef-toh-knee-ns) are all-powerful according to the lore. Welcoming both Metrovimirans and Sytolians, the clan uses their power for good, encouraging all to live harmoniously underneath the King's rule.
Various questgivers are Cleftonian, such as the Bishop, Koshkosh and Rascal. Their quests test your character, evaluating your compatibility for the guild.
They wear a black uniform and spawn with the maximum achievable health (equivalent to a Guardian/Dremir) as well as various weaponry and armour, meaning you don't need to load when you die.

PVP Arena
For the more unruly players, or for those who enjoy besting their opponents in duel, we have an arena for that. If Player 1 steps on the red pad and Player 2 steps on the blue pad, all these players have to do is type [Ready] and they will automatically be placed in the 1v1 Arena for the rest of the players to watch. After 60 seconds, a golden pad appears in an elevated position. If your opponent is dead, it won't be a problem reaching the golden pad uncontested. However, if they are alive it'll be a battle to see who gets there first. Before the battle begins, players are able to wager gold coins on the fight if they are confident in their abilities. For example, if both players bet 100g on themselves, the winner will take home 200g (including their initial bet). This allows for more interesting matches with more on the line. Side note: Fighters are able to fight with a different set of weapons if they so desire, simply by hitting the 'Just Fists' or the 'Just Range' buttons.

King of the Hill
For strategic players, there's also a King of the Hill mode up near the tavern. This allows Sytolians to face off against Metrovimirans in a (currently) small area with a single control point. This is a fresh, new mode, meaning that eventually it will have its own special map, but not quite yet. However, non-participants cannot interfere with the game. King of the Hill requires some beta testers because no big groups have actually used it before, so feel free to use it and give me feedback based on how well it works.

1. While freekilling is allowed, specifically targeting one player just for the purpose of griefing is not. This means that you can casually kill a few people if they're bugging you (or roleplaying), but you cannot troll somebody relentlessly because you think it'll be funny. I don't do temporary bans on my server, which means you're either getting kicked or permanently banned.
2. If you find a way to escape the map which isn't intended, please tell me and I'll fix it. You won't get banned for this.
3. If building/painting is enabled in the mini-game, it's not for you. Don't build, or paint the questgivers.

How do I save/load my progress?
At the Drifter spawn point.
There is a button that saves your progress, and a small button that saves your inventory. Simply type [Save] or [Sa] respectively and then double click it.
There is a button that loads your progress, and a small button that loads your inventory. Simply type [Load] or [Lo] respectively and then double click it.

Where do I get weapons and armour?
There's a small stall in the Metrovimiran area (blue) which sells you weaponry in exchange for gold. Just type [View] and click the V button, and then type the name of an item and click it again! There's a slightly larger tent near the mining area which sells armour. The payment process is exactly the same.

How do I get gold coins?
You can find gold coins scattered across the map, or you can do various quests which award you with gold upon completion.
Additionally, mining/woodcutting provides you with resources which can be converted to gold at the Converter Station.

I've lost all my stuff...what do I do?
First of all, don't panic. Make sure you've remembered to load. If it's still all gone, just talk to Big Brother and he'll help you.

Can I swap factions?
Yes, if you're below level 6 you can use the % brick and type [Swap].
Alternatively, you can rejoin the server and overwrite all of your data with the [Save] brick.

How do I know if I've levelled up?
Hit the ^ button near the Drifter spawn point. It'll give you all of your XP information and your level will go up if you have enough the XP required for it. Otherwise, it simply displays stats. Currently the equation for required XP is (Level * 1.Level * 32).

Why did I gain XP then lose XP?
You probably tried to instakill a monster with a heavy weapon. That's unlawful grinding, and the XP Gods don't like it.

Can I make my own clan?
Yes, you absolutely can. Clans currently have a negotiable opening cost of 2000 gold coins, however donations are also accepted to reduce or negate this fee.
Clan leaders are permitted to change the outfit, clan tag (which is cleared by default upon spawning) and weaponry of the members.

How can I gain XP?
Aside from doing quests and target practice, you can kill various monsters which are scattered around the map. Smaller MOBs give you XP when they die, whereas larger MOBs give you XP per hit. As you level up, weaker MOBs will start to give you less XP in order to motivate you to fight harder enemies.
Here's a list of the current MOBs, coupled with a brief explanation of their traits:

1. Mini-Bohrs - Found outside spawn, they do not fight back, wear armour on their chest
2. Regular Bohr - Found outside spawn, fights back, looks like a Mini-Bohr without armour
3. Zahr - Found in the mining area, fights back, has maroon skin
4. Clehr - Found in the mining area, fights back and has blue skin
5. Creak - Found in the Sytolian trees, fights back, has high HP, carries a club and is very big with red skin
6. Suhrk - Found in the Sytolian trees, fights back, has very high HP, carries an axe and is very big with green skin and chest armour
7. Lepr - Found in the far north west Sytolian area of the map, fights back, has moderately high HP, leaps to the player and has dark blue skin
8. Golden Bohr - Found in the north west Sytolian area of the map, fights back, has very high HP, drops gold when it has low health, gives 3 silver coins when it dies
9. Frost Rieve - Found in the far north east Sytolian area of the map, fights back, has high HP, grows enormously, can be critically hit, can regenerate health
10. Dark Rieve - Found in the far north east Sytolian area of the map, fights back, has high HP, can slow, blind, cripple, shrink and burn the player

Main Credits
Big Brother - Host/Eventer
Endgame - Buildings (back in 2012)
Pass - Handbuilt Terrain, Admin
Important Individuals
Dunhiem - Temporary Admin, Builder, Donator
Sylvanor - Admin
Boba Fett - Beta Tester
Anybody who gives me quest ideas or reports a bug!

« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 12:44:01 PM by Big Brøther »

« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 04:23:55 PM by Big Brøther »

- Reserved -
also why gallery lol

you came back! and with a huge, top notch server, no less
please let us know when you're gonna host this cause this looks great

I really really like the first picture, nice job! Can't wait to play this.

out of curiosity where do you start to earn theft level? i can't find anywhere that would start it

you came back! and with a huge, top notch server, no less
please let us know when you're gonna host this cause this looks great
Hi Conan! Good to speak with you again. It's up most days, and it will be up tomorrow for sure. Thanks for the kind words.

out of curiosity where do you start to earn theft level? i can't find anywhere that would start it
After levelling up, you gain two perk points.
Type 'Theft' and click the P button to invest one of your perk points in Theft.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 05:46:05 PM by Big Brøther »

Fun to play, lore is really good too.

We're currently accepting terrain builders to show off their talent in the next realm of YQSH. PM me for inquiries.

I've also evented a 99-line clan brick. This allows players to create their own clans within a minigame, (In this case, YQSH) for 500 gold coins, which can be changed easily if you edit the event. Clan leaders can advertise their clan to the rest of the minigame, invite other players to join their clan and they can also choose to disband it if they no longer want to be the leader anymore. Clan members can additionally leave the clan if they choose to do so. If anybody would like to use this for their own project, equally just PM me and I'll send you it as a .bls. It's got no bugs as far as I can see.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 06:58:26 AM by Big Brøther »

Recently gave this a try for quite a long sitting earlier. Like around 6~ hours, I don't even really remember. Anyways, my experience with it was great. The event work is top notch (bar the occasional bug that Big Brother seems to be very swift to fix), the map is very well constructed, and the gameplay itself is very fun in my niche opinion.

I might stop by again later. Thanks for hosting this.