Author Topic: :3:3:3:3's "Family RP"  (Read 2396 times)

I wanted to join a family RP and was greeted to the host spawn killing me over and over again.  Someone in chat told me it was "The Purge".  This is a family RP we are talking about.  Anyway, it continued for this for the entire time i was there.  I'm just gonna let the chat do the talking:

I left the server after this, because even after it was over, the host was still killing people.

I forgot to get their BLID's, so i went ahead and did a name search and this came up:

family RP

There's the problem OP.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 11:43:23 PM by Badspot »

There's the problem OP.

"Your first mistake was joining a <whatever> server"
Unless you're about to go into a technical explanation about why the design of a particular game mode causes people to act like jerks, stow it.  Your opinion that "everyone who likes <whatever> is an autist" is just useless bigotry.

What's wrong?

FamilyRP causes people to act like jerks because it simulates real life.

It's quite simple.

What's wrong?
badspot made it a rule that you can't say
"you shouldnt have joined that server in the first place"

badspot made it a rule that you can't say
"you shouldnt have joined that server in the first place"

Unless you're about to go into a technical explanation about why the design of a particular game mode causes people to act like jerks

You didn't give a technical explanation as to why a roleplay about a family is inherently going to make people act like jerks. You pulled a random reason out of your ass.

You didn't give a technical explanation as to why a roleplay about a family is inherently going to make people act like jerks. You pulled a random reason out of your ass.

Family RP is a gamemode in Blockland based around the role-playing of family life. What causes people to act like jerks in this well-known gamemode?

Let's find out.

The fact that family life in general is usually frustrating and can often cause anger and issues to build up within the brain. When we play a video-game in this instance the game 'Blockland' our usual reason is to escape the realities around us such as:
  • Family Life
  • Work Life
  • Social Life
  • Life in General

When we are within our virtual world in which these realities are forgotten about the last think we want is a reconstruction of one of these realities. You see having a reconstruction of a reality in the world that we escape to can also cause frustration to build up, sometimes even more than if it were reality its self.
This results in users mimicking their real-life behavior in frustrating circumstances which often leads to:
  • Bad mouthing others
  • Getting on other peoples nerves
  • Deliberately causing trouble

This relates to 'Family RP servers' as the whole point of this gamemode is to reconstruct the family life situation.

Family RP servers do cause players to act like jerks as the content and role play lead to distress within the users and that this behavior is not suprising of such a server hosting such gamemode.

Well, regardless of whether it's correct or not you actually put some effort into it so you're A-OK.

Family RP is a gamemode in Blockland based around the role-playing of family life. What causes people to act like jerks in this well-known gamemode?

Let's find out.

The fact that family life in general is usually frustrating and can often cause anger and issues to build up within the brain. When we play a video-game in this instance the game 'Blockland' our usual reason is to escape the realities around us such as:
  • Family Life
  • Work Life
  • Social Life
  • Life in General

When we are within our virtual world in which these realities are forgotten about the last think we want is a reconstruction of one of these realities. You see having a reconstruction of a reality in the world that we escape to can also cause frustration to build up, sometimes even more than if it were reality its self.
This results in users mimicking their real-life behavior in frustrating circumstances which often leads to:
  • Bad mouthing others
  • Getting on other peoples nerves
  • Deliberately causing trouble

This relates to 'Family RP servers' as the whole point of this gamemode is to reconstruct the family life situation.

Family RP servers do cause players to act like jerks as the content and role play lead to distress within the users and that this behavior is not suprising of such a server hosting such gamemode.
Its not that deep.

Wow,  just wow. This whole drama is now just an argument between why he shouldn't have joined an Rp and what rules and whatnot.

sounds like the admin just got bored and went on a dumb rampage /support