Author Topic: i installed iOS 10  (Read 1122 times)

it's good
the lock screen is different, you can delete stock apps you never use, camera looks different, typing sounds are lower pitched, overall iOS 10 is a huge improvement.

also ROBLOX thinks I'm running iOS 1 (aka iPhone OS)

Have you had any issues with it yet? My notifications get stuck at the top most the time.

no bugs yet on the ipad air. this is a first.

also ROBLOX thinks I'm running iOS 1 (aka iPhone OS)

This is the reason Microsoft went to Windows 10 instead of Windows 9, so software wouldn't get confused thinking it was 95/98

beta 2 should release tomorrow along with possible public beta, and this is probably the first time apple released a beta with almost no glitches

Have you had any issues with it yet? My notifications get stuck at the top most the time.

yes, you can fix this by going into notification settings of the app: change it to alert, then back to banner
worked for me
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 06:10:46 PM by MrLoL² »

Have you had any issues with it yet? My notifications get stuck at the top most the time.
yes actually
there is a slight issue with the menu close blur effect and youtube shows nothing at the top of non-video pages most of the time

I'm on iPad mini 2

Oh thanks! I didnt know.

Also Siri crashes when she does anything with my name

Only thing good about iOS is jailbreaking

Only thing good about iOS is jailbreaking
I used to jailbreak for the themes and free apps/games, but once noticed how stuffty all the themes were and started earning money I realized it wasn't even worth it.

How to install?
Wait until tomorrow if there's a public beta opening up, sign up here
If theres no public beta opening up, it should happen some time in July, meanwhile I can give you a workaround here on this topic tomorrow

I used to jailbreak for the themes, but once noticed how stuffty all the themes were I realized it wasn't even worth it.
I removed the stuff that you should probably remove too