Author Topic: Sugar and Yawa200  (Read 2406 times)

I made it stop, it is over. Me and sugar have came to an agreement.

sugar is going to take yawa to the grave

How tf is this everyone's business? Just leave them alone, jesus

How is this possible

Don't know who yawa is but I do remember her asking everyone about them.

sugar is going to take yawa to the grave
$10 she'll put it on her gravestone

How tf is this everyone's business? Just leave them alone, jesus

the reason it is everyones business is because sugar always asks where he is at, no matter who you are, she will ask.

(also how do you people not know about this, this has been an on going thing for years)

the reason it is everyones business is because sugar always asks where he is at, no matter who you are, she will ask.

(also how do you people not know about this, this has been an on going thing for years)

A lot of people don't know who yawa is in general.

i just made this because it was something that was said, and i felt like making a post. so this happened.

i seriously doubt this will be the end

what have you done jiggy