Author Topic: Conan's Add-on Development Service  (Read 4868 times)

if you're looking for a good quality add-on service, then look no further. conan is a really trustable guy who has enough talent to devote his time to work on this type of stuff. within 1 1/2 days he was already finished with two bricks that i needed for an upcoming gamemode. in fact they had icons, they were door bricks, were detailed to an extent (but not too detailed), and they even had icons. the whole time he didn't act like an starfish when i was asking for additional features. if you're hesitating to ask for something, i would advise you not because it'll be worth your money.

i rate this 5/5 but not 6/5 because he doesn't know how to texture things :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

Have I got a project for you!

When I find the pictures we're going to have a fun time talking business.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 08:29:23 AM by Taciturn »

Have I got a project for you!

When I find the pictures we're going to have a fun time talking business.
hours upon hours of careful negotiation and diplomacy

Conan helped me make a turret and taught me how to make one myself and it works great 10/10.

bump for progress on various models and accepting a request from Alkatjo

i guess i'll post pics later

will model for money?

Really? Were starting to sell addons again? In my opinion make them private or free, don't sell them.

what would it cost for you to redo TT

what would it cost for you to redo TT
T+T is pretty big
you'll need to specify what you mean by redo, both in quantity and style.
if you mean like tiers 1, 1A, 2, 2A weapons, the models would probably net around $8 and the rest another $10 but i may be open to negotiation since i've wanted to make my own weapon pack for a while now.

Really? Were starting to sell addons again? In my opinion make them private or free, don't sell them.
this is less selling addons and more people paying me to make stuff that I otherwise would take forever to make since I have near 0 motivation to finish the stuff i start. unlike if someone just requested something and i work on it, i actually feel guilty not finishing things if someone paid me to do it.

T+T is pretty big
you'll need to specify what you mean by redo, both in quantity and style.
if you mean like tiers 1, 1A, 2, 2A weapons, the models would probably net around $8 and the rest another $10 but i may be open to negotiation since i've wanted to make my own weapon pack for a while now.
this is less selling addons and more people paying me to make stuff that I otherwise would take forever to make since I have near 0 motivation to finish the stuff i start. unlike if someone just requested something and i work on it, i actually feel guilty not finishing things if someone paid me to do it.
I mean by fixing everything, potentally making new models, and rebalancing. Tier Tac is the best weapon pack ever made, and I'm not sure it needs a redo as much as an update

You should release all the add-ons created here on the forum. Don't encourage private add-ons nonsense!

I mean by fixing everything, potentally making new models, and rebalancing. Tier Tac is the best weapon pack ever made, and I'm not sure it needs a redo as much as an update
new models would just be $6-7 then for all the base tiers, and rebalancing would be like $4 but you'd have to be on my server so we can work out the balancing kinks to what you want. i guess it would also cover any adjustments to ui or functionality, so long it doesnt involve me having to go through bushido's code in depth cause holy stuff his stuff is the epitome of disorganization

this assumes i'm not also redoing the skins since the skins have adjusted stats on top of different models which would make it a pain. i can't really price them at this time until i get a sense of how much work it is to do the base tiers.

You should release all the add-ons created here on the forum. Don't encourage private add-ons nonsense!
i strongly encourage people to let me release the mods, if not immediately after they're done, after their server is over or if the project hits the fan. but if they insist, well, it would be rude of me not to respect their wishes

most people i know are totally fine with it. i have like 3-4 mods in the queue bin waiting for a good time to release.

its also kinda hard to release simply models, eg the city weapons pack - the people who ordered it are coding it so i dont really have control over their release.

adjusted price estimates
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 09:06:23 PM by Conan »