Author Topic: Blockland's tribal show their true colors  (Read 26754 times)

Sounds like something a uneducated monkey would say.

Maybe go wipe the stuff off your skin then go take a few basic literature and reading comprehension courses then come back here and IF you're able to form a complete sentence you might be able to redeem yourself.

I'm sorry that was rude of me to imply you have any chance of educating yourself
We actually did force breed slaved back then. They picked the strongest looking slaved and forced them to have love. This is why black people always look so scary
Tony your my last hope
How do I deal with mentally handicapped black friends

I feel unsafe
We got over our need to completely loving murder each other after World War 2, when are you black folk going to get over your loveual thirst for murder.
How Jitank thinks black people act:

How they actually act:

damn you sure do love to make a scene monday


I know this sounds cliche but my tar baby image is completely out of context

This drama has enlightened me and i've had a realization

Thank god I'm white

everyone get the forget out chernobyl 2.0 is happening

>Make a joke which was very clearly a joke and everybody else saw it as such
>Clearly that represents his real views and he's a tribal.

forget off, idiot. You don't deserve the right to post.

everyone get the forget out chernobyl 2.0 is happening

Whatcha gonna do Jitank, drive by shoot me while you and your homies are smoking marijuana and chugging 40's in the back seat?

jitank the message you're pitifully attempting to spread here isnt worth the stuffstorm its causing
im not your dad but you need a break from this forum, some people cant handle it and i guess you're one of them

This drama has enlightened me and i've had a realization

Thank god I'm white
Whatcha gonna do Jitank, drive by shoot me while you and your homies are smoking marijuana and chugging 40's in the back seat?


What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this

stuff is about to go down
another 30 page drama plx

itt: jitank has a temper tantrum because he got called monday on an internet forum