Author Topic: Bionicle Died A Second Death  (Read 2247 times)
Waiting on more than just a Twitter message confirmation (such as a press release), but this is pretty solid for now.

LEGO has decided not to continue with the new reboot of Bionicle and will not be going for a second run of toys.

What a historic day for us all.

/r/bioniclelego/ is turning over in their graves

...whats wrong with bionicle?

Wait... This is a good thing?

...whats wrong with bionicle?

What happens when you over do a series of toys? They turn to stuff.

I used to play with these all the time as a wee lad, glad to see it didn't continue and burn to the ground in a bad way. Also who here remembers hero factory? Wasn't it like the stuffty version of bionicle or something?

I dont mind since it was a reboot and not a continuation of the original plot, plus the new building system wasnt my style

...whats wrong with bionicle?

Can you guess which one is the new one? Hint: It's the stuff one.

the ones on the left

They rebooted this terribly.

I remember reading the comics and watching animations. Am I the only one? The story behind the original Bionicle run was actually really good and had a lot of narrative depth and  emotional weight behind it.
Comics here

Then they started production again (because people asked for it) and we got

Glad they stopped it.

the comics were rad, i remember reading one with the barraki in it as a kid