Author Topic: Plop Spamming his ugly not packaged faces  (Read 5273 times)

*NOTE*  I know he's new but we need to tell him what he is doing wrong.

Plop spams his un-packaged faces. They are mostly just a picture taken from internet or just some drawing that took few seconds to make. Also the pictures almost always are wrong size.


an weird decal for weird face

Baby Laughing Face (FACE)


Topic: an stupid face

Also he doesn't take criticism at all

I don't really know about this one but it seemed funny so i put it here

Here is the inside of one o his addons. (baby laughing face)

The folder is just called "BabyLaughingFace"

Well he could be just a troll but i made this anyways


He should change the file babylaughingface to Face_Babylaughing or something with Face_

he should take some time off the forums or learn how to actually package and make decals instead of screaming insults, or both


I don't think he's actually listening to anyone.


Leave Him Alone
I Love It When People Talk Like This It Totally Doesnt Make Me Want To Shove A Bomb Up My starfish!!!!!!

anyway, /support
he needs to actually put time and effort into making faces

I Love It When People Talk Like This It Totally Doesnt Make Me Want To Shove A Bomb Up My starfish!!!!!!
Jesus Christ What The forget Is Your Problem

I Thought These Faces Were Dumb Anyways!
dont talk like this ^

I Love It When People Talk Like This It Totally Doesnt Make Me Want To Shove A Bomb Up My starfish!!!
Follow Your Dreams friend

I hate how hes making it stuffty and uploading whatever he makes in MS Paint and just like "no its fine because its stuffty on purpose!!11 xddddd," and he can't even package it properly.

*NOTE*  I know he's new but we need to tell him what he is doing wrong.

Plop spams his un-packaged faces. They are mostly just a picture taken from internet or just some drawing that took few seconds to make. Also the pictures almost always are wrong size.


an weird decal for weird face

Baby Laughing Face (FACE)


Topic: an stupid face

Also he doesn't take criticism at all

I don't really know about this one but it seemed funny so i put it here

Here is the inside of one o his addons. (baby laughing face)

The folder is just called "BabyLaughingFace"

Well he could be just a troll but i made this anyways


Wow, You Made A Good Job On This

Wow, You Made A Good Job On This
thanks for quoting the entire OP