Author Topic: The Waiting Game - Day 35 - the slowest updating forum game of 2016  (Read 10051 times)

the bunker is getting good, but you need a better lighting

also, we must get as much food as possible, healthies and junkies.
and make one room for each 10 forumers.

but dont let Path, jiggy, raccooneer, JitankIscigarette and other in.

Get a separate room just incase

and make one room for each 10 forumers.

but dont let Path, jiggy, raccooneer, JitankIscigarette and other in.
thats not

Put in a couch , tv , laptop and a gaming console.

Put in a couch , tv , laptop and a gaming console.
"its the apocalypse, quick, bring your xbox"

Day 26

The doors are in.

Couldn't get much done today - one of your close two friends, who was helping you, went to check on his relatives across the state. This might take a few days, so you're left with just one guy here.
You hope to have the air system functional by the end of tomorrow, and all the supplies you need here in another day or two.

Sure, you can't really close the borders between the states that well - even if you station some military there, there'll always be that "oh, totally not infected, let me in, there's zombies chasing me!" kind of guy who gets past them. As such, all of the states are doing pretty bad.

You hope your buddy's going to be alright.

The last thing we want are expirable foods. Go out and buy some cheerios, bread, alcohol, an a butt ton of soup and water.

The last thing we want are expirable foods. Go out and buy some cheerios, bread, alcohol, an a butt ton of soup and water.
This, seriously. Canned soup and dehydrated foods don't taste as good as their fresh counterparts, but they're cheap and last absolutely forever on a shelf if left sealed. Additionally, they only need water and heat to cook, and clean water can be made by filtering and boiling nearly any sort of fresh water.

put some effort into making the surface above the base look natural

Yeah, brobably add a little more dirt above the base.

dig out the part under the hatch and hide the hatch under a rug. it'll be our last line of defense. store all the food and air filter masks and weapons down there

Day 28

Whew! That took a bit more than you expected. Who knew wiring and stuff was so hard to do?

The wiring's by no means pretty or up to safety standards, but it's functional.

You've been thinking about raiders. You and your two friends might be pretty strong together, but you'd rather just not take them on at all. Hiding the bunker might be quite a problem, though - even if you did find a way to camoflage the door as you went in, there'd still be the obvious pipe sticking out of the ground - though maybe some tall grass would hide that as well. You've been thinking of hiding your most valuable stuff under the grate in the main room, but that would get tedious fast, and the grate sticks out a bit above the floor, so you can't really hide it with a carpet or anything. You'll think about it.

Your buddy hasn't returned yet. You really hope he's okay.

swap out the grate for a good ol fashioned wooden pallet that fits over the hole

move a couple nearby bushes to cover the door. same goes for vent. tall grasses work too.

get some weapons now, go to your local gun store and get a shotgun and pistol and plenty of ammo for both
buy that spare wood and store it in the bunker now. same goes for gas.

keep working on that grate hole with whatever spare time you have left.

Cover the exposed concrete around the entrance with dirt, and if possible, paint the door to blend in the with dirt a bit better

On a side note can I say that the art looks awesome up close