Author Topic: Today might be my hamsters last day.  (Read 761 times)

His name is Wilson by the way if you're wondering.

Well he's been looking quite sick currently but today it looks like he's just gone through hell and He's been making this "Clicking" sound which I believe he is struggling for breath I don't know what to do right now.
Im thinking of bringing him to the vets for him to be put down, I'll give you updates

when a hamster clicks like that it means that it just wrote a bad block to the center of itself so it wont use it.
other symptoms would include: unable to find meaning of life, your hamster suddenly turning into a typewriter and sudden loss of love.

unfortunately this means your hamster is dying and you should back up all of his organs. sorry...
hamsters are just like harddrives, right?

my hamster had a few strokes one day and then died a day later. it sucks but you get over it the next day. it always use to eat its own stuff anyway so my hamster was a friend

I'm sorry to hear that OP, hopefully it isn't too hard on you.

If you think it's true, give it as much love as you can before it goes. Feed it its favorite foods. Be there for him.

Update: He's gone..
One of the most painful experiences of my life.
Just watching him go

:( poor hamster. i hope he's okay. make sure to hug him (gently)

i was so sad when my beta fish died. it lived for like 8 years which was way longer than most. it didn't do anything lol but it was still sad.
my cats would always go drink water from his bowl, and he would swim around their mouths and they would touch noses, it was really cute and also really worrying.

Update: He's gone..
One of the most painful experiences of my life.
Just watching him go
oh man. I'm sorry about that.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 10:52:51 AM by McZealot »

Update: He's gone..
One of the most painful experiences of my life.
Just watching him go
Oh, poor hamster :( I bet you feel awful.
I'm really sorry for your loss, man. I know it's hard losing a pet. Just remember all the good times you had with him.
This thread reminds me of my 2 dogs, I had lived with them for pretty much my entire life. I loved them a lot. Unfortunately, they both died very recently.

One of my dogs was just put down a couple months ago. Last I remembered of him was taking him to his crate to sleep the night before. Next morning, he apparently had seizures and was in pain (I slept through all that but did hear people in house freaking out later). Family then took him to the vet thinking everyone was in the car but they forgot me in the hustle, but I had to go to work anyway. As I was driving to work, my mom called to say they put him down.

Kind of glad I didn't go though because the last time I went to watch one of our dogs die I ended up being a total wreck for a few days. In this case, I was just kinda bummed out but it was very easy to get over it.

New update:
We recently buried him
We put him in a box then put a red rose over the box
I call these flowers "Death Flowers"
We have 2 one for Wilson and one for my dead cat Blacky

Double post stuff sorry.

Well I don't feel as bad because we got him for adoption the people there told us he would have about 6 months but it's been a year so that's good.

he served the hamster army well
may he continue to live forever in our hearts