Author Topic: ChatRapist (32496)  (Read 1564 times)

no admins were on this speedkart server, which let ChatRapist do his bidding (or at least this is his reasoning.) he seems to just spam walls of... spam. randomly.


loving amazing. Truly the pinnacle of human evolution.

I hate people like this, even though I was one. I have a thread very similar to this here:

spam walls of... spam.
donald Annoying Orange confirmed

did it on tezuni's too.

What do people think they will achieve from doing things like this? Lol.

OT: What program are people using to spam servers like this?

OT: What program are people using to spam servers like this?
probably some script that returns a massive string basically bypassing flood protection on chatmodded servers (anthonyrules is to blame)

anthonys stuffcode allows it to bypass? did he make an awful chatmod or the spam script

anthonys stuffcode allows it to bypass? did he make an awful chatmod or the spam script
awful chatmod