Author Topic: pickRandNamedBrick [v0.0.0]  (Read 1868 times)


Use the output event pickRandNamedBrick to pick a random named brick of a specific name and then call onPickRandNamedBrick on that brick and on the randomly picked brick. The second box is a list of input events on the brick to be triggered, separated by spaces.

Name five different bricks Corn.
Put the event onActivate > Self > pickRandNamedBrick [Corn] [3 8 9] on some brick.
Now when you activate that brick one of the five bricks named Corn will be randomly selected and onPickedRandNamedBrick will be called on it and on the brick that you activated. Also, only events 3, 8 and 9 will be triggered on the bricks(as long as events 3, 8 and 9 all have the input of onPickedRandNamedBrick and are all enabled).


that sounds like a very good idea and also made with a lot of control over its usage

Randomization is a lot easier now!

Random spawn locations for TDMs are now a thing

Works like a charm Jes, thanks again.

Thanks for this, a real life saver.

this will be very useful.