Author Topic: BLF does Windows 2000  (Read 2622 times)

So you are in your attic and you find your computer you used back in high school.

You decide to plug it in and turn it on.
Somehow it turns on from being in storage for many years.
you then find a note on the back with your password and enter it.
you are now on the desktop. what do you do now?

Connect to the internet.

Connect to the internet.
and then start internet explorer and download blockland demo

Connect to the internet.
You connect to the internet.
You are now on internet explorer. were should you go now?

and then start internet explorer and download blockland demo
You go to the blockland website and download it. you then launch it and play but it runs at 15 fps.

You go to the blockland website and download it. you then launch it and play but it runs at 15 fps.
buy a key and host a server

buy a key and host a server
the game was running to slow though. it started running at 5 FPS

the game was running to slow though. it started running at 5 FPS
push through it and make the loving server

Find all of the furry research on the computer.

Run Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on it

throw it out the window

throw it out the window
it gets thrown out the window.
now we are starting over because it broke.

it gets thrown out the window.
now we are starting over because it broke.

we dont, we go back to using our newest gaming computer we self built

you use the broken computer as a time machine to tell past racoooneer to not stuff out useless threads out of his ass at the speed of light