Author Topic: Mind helping me with a few things?  (Read 760 times)

I have several questions I'd like to ask you guys, if any of you have the time to lend me a hand here that'd be great. <3

I've been spending the past week making a map completely dedicated to the slayer Infection gamemode, so far the map is practically done, but I'm stuck with a bit of an issue concerning the shops I've made and spawn itself.

You don't spawn in the map, you spawn in a small lobby room where you can either enter the game right away through a teleport doorway, or browse the shop and purchase weapons. Now I can imagine someones bound to just sit at spawn and camp there, rather than actually playing the game, how would I go about sending them to the game over a certain amount of time?

If there's an addon anywhere that can force a player to teleport into the map and avoid camping, that'd be a great find, but I haven't found anything similar to that so far. So, any help? any kind of events I could mash together to send players into the map if they spend too much time in the shops? I've messed around with setPlayerTransform for awhile but it doesn't work as I hoped it would.

[30000] onplayertouch > brickname > setplayertransform > relative seemed like a good option, but you'll be teleported forcefully in a short amount of time.

I've also taken several screenshots of the project incase anyone is curious on what I'm working on here, so far I've been the only one developing this and it's actually my first major build, so if you have any opinions on the look I'd gladly take any form of criticism and advice.


I'm also interested in adding somekind of VIP area for people who've helped develop the game, almost like a lounge for admins and helpers, Is there any addon that could recognize a users BLID and possibly teleport them to a area? while also restricting users the object does not recognize?

Thanks in advanced.

Event_MinigameSpawn might work better than onPlayerTouch: [30000] MinigameSpawn > Player > setplayertransform. I don't know exactly how MinigameSpawn works but you could try it out. The event only needs to be placed in one brick.

Event_DoorCheck would be useful for the VIP area.

noedit: I just realized that you mentioned a teleport to a VIP area, not a door. DoorCheck is still good for checking more than one BL_ID

noedit: I just realized that you mentioned a teleport to a VIP area, not a door. DoorCheck is still good for checking more than one BL_ID

That's the exact addon I've been using for it, it's just I'm worried if a user who has access into the room opens the door, then some starfish could slip inside when the door is open.

Setup a zone inside the door and if they enter it and aren't VIP just kill them or teleport them out.