
what is it


Author Topic: beeta or beyta  (Read 2199 times)

how do you pronounce 'bay' because i can never do it right

how do you pronounce 'bay' because i always say bai

who the forget says beeta

I have only ever heard it called "beeta" when it was a car. I'm not sure if that's because that's how you pronounced the car or if it's because the guy was british.
It was an Italian car and they just throw letters together and call it a word.

beater with a british accent maybe?

for once the forums are unanimous
37/37 say "bayta"

anyone who claims they say beeta is probably a hipster bitch or illiterate

i used to say it like betta'

for once the forums are unanimous
37/37 say "bayta"
only because literally nobody says beeta
if behtuh was an option there would certainly be votes for it

Anyone who says "beeta" is an uneducated prick

only because literally nobody says beeta
i've heard it before


the RIGHT way to say it