Author Topic: Kong123's Deathcube - [Intense and Exciting Gamemodes!]  (Read 6049 times)

password required..../...,,.,.,

Servers up, come play!

Edit: Awesome night of hosting, we got up to 31 players at one point!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 07:44:53 AM by .Kong123. »

Servers up, come play!

Edit: Awesome night of hosting, we got up to 31 players at one point!
ur hot.

I love this, i just hope its not as broken last time i played

dropped weapons in deathmatch rounds is simply pointless and handicapped imo

but this is ok

Server had an unexpected crash, its back up!

Sounds fun, I'll have to check it out sometime.

This weekend for hosting:

I will be going up north all weekend so it will be the staff's job to put the server up.
The server pass is "KongServerDC" all staff can join it and open the server at anytime during the day.
When you do join the server please use the command "/server" in order to open it.

Just please, for the love of god make it stop setting my FOV to 90 every time I spawn and enter the game. It's so tremendously annoying and doesn't serve any purpose

Just please, for the love of god make it stop setting my FOV to 90 every time I spawn and enter the game. It's so tremendously annoying and doesn't serve any purpose
I don't know what's causing that... Must be an addon

Just please, for the love of god make it stop setting my FOV to 90 every time I spawn and enter the game. It's so tremendously annoying and doesn't serve any purpose
Yeah I've noticed this too, its quite annoying. But yeah its probably an add-on.