Author Topic: RandomDude (86923) - Admitting to BLHack/Trolling  (Read 4084 times)

Name: RandomDude
BL_ID: 86923

I wish I had an image of him using freeze but I was too late for that.
He was admitting in the chat (yes I know people can easily say that) but he was actually trying, also have some witnesses as well

These plates drop when a player touches them, he was literally floating on it (He was banned so he wasn't here)

He does say something like this which he was on those plates

Tells me no one cares then admits it (yes feeding trolls is bad)

He gets kicked and comes back asking why, then admits it again

Admits it again

and again

He gets banned for 10 minutes, then comes back back with this, no idea what this meant

I can keep going on about it, but I think that's just enough.

I can confirm he was freezing as I saw him doing it on a level

I perma'd him from the server.

Thanks i'll ban the id rn

that looked like a group link
might have been to show you what he's doing

either way, using bl hack, clearly a cunt, deserves a permaban

There is a glitch that makes you float. Could be that.

i think it has aimbot, wall and health hack and freeze, i guess

that looked like a group link
might have been to show you what he's doing

either way, using bl hack, clearly a cunt, deserves a permaban

"clearly a cunt", I did nothing except freeze no trolling at all.

He gets banned for 10 minutes, then comes back back with this, no idea what this meant

I can keep going on about it, but I think that's just enough.

I was showing you that I cleared my history and the bl hack.

using blhack makes you a cunt

using blhack makes you a cunt

I only used it once, and I removed it, also I'm really sorry and I'll never use it again.

I only used it once, and I removed it, also I'm really sorry and I'll never use it again.
Where have I seen this before?