Author Topic: [0.0.1] Door Peeking  (Read 5344 times)

you don't need any picture; you can assume what it can do by looking at the OP. I haven't added anything graphically significant to the game that would warrant a screenshot other than the ability to look on the other side of a door.

People like pictures. You can take pictures of every add-on. For example: picture of the build, picture of the door, picture of what part of the build you see when using it.

The usual add-on browsing goes like this:

- open topic
- look at pictures
  - no pictures? can't be interesting, leave
- read text below pictures

People like pictures. You can take pictures of every add-on. For example: picture of the build, picture of the door, picture of what part of the build you see when using it.
forreal dude your description is so forgetin vague

like, ok, you can see the other side of the door. how? are we peeking through the door? are we looking around the door? does the camera switch to a front view of the other side of the door?

no one has ever peeked through a door in bl before. or at least not in a way that it required a whole addon to do so. sell us this addon based on that premise instead of "you see the other side of the door"
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 09:26:16 PM by mod-man »

okay here are your pictures demonstrating this addon
clay hanson is not responsible for any lewd depictions while this addon is being used

okay here are your pictures demonstrating this addon
clay hanson is not responsible for any lewd depictions while this addon is being used
everyone now has a complete understanding of what this addon is, how it works, and whether or not its useful

ill totally download this if my gamemode ends up calling for sneaky door peeking ;))