Author Topic: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.1-1] :: bitmaps bitmaps bitmaps  (Read 5722 times)

 - Fix issue with Blockland being a special snowflake and resetting the chat profile at odd times
 - <bitmap> markup removal added
 - Fix issue with newChatSO.addLine not updating the chat area
 - Added the ability to change the maximum bitmap height (can fix this issue) (update pending as of this post)

font type and size isn't resetting any more.
but now the chat background won't load until save has been pressed at least once during a game session.

All of a sudden the mod made all colors for everything black, and I can't fix it. I tried reinstalling the mod and it didn't do anything. Could you try to fix this or make a "reset to defaults" button?

All of a sudden the mod made all colors for everything black, and I can't fix it. I tried reinstalling the mod and it didn't do anything. Could you try to fix this or make a "reset to defaults" button?
OSX? old old version of the addon?
don't know what would cause that

just remove the $Pref::Client::CustomChat lines in your config/client/prefs.cs file and it will reset.

font type and size isn't resetting any more.
but now the chat background won't load until save has been pressed at least once during a game session.
this i can't reproduce

font type and size isn't resetting any more.
but now the chat background won't load until save has been pressed at least once during a game session.

This, but also upon clicking save all weapon images shrink to a tiny size.

Opening the options menu again seems to fix it, though.

Removing the lines didn't work, it's still the same. :I

EDIT: Only the preview of the colors in the customize menu are black, not when I actually chat in a server.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 09:20:31 PM by ThatOneGamer »

woo this is back in dev

EDIT: Only the preview of the colors in the customize menu are black, not when I actually chat in a server.
afdfs that's totally different than what i was thinking

just to make sure i'm on the same page, can you post a screenshot?

Arial Bold, size 14 in blockland, 8 normally iirc

I wonder if you could create a chat that looks like minecraft's with this tbh lmfao

except it wouldn't be pixelated and it'll be on top left instead of bottom