Author Topic: I'm having a bit of dilemma, do I get a iPhone 7 Plus or 6s Plus?  (Read 3118 times)

As implied by the title, I can't decide if I should go for the iPhone 7 Plus or 6s Plus. The 7 Plus has quite a few great things going for it, including waterproofing, camera, and internals (3GB of ram - in an iPhone?!?) and for the 128gb version, it goes for $869. Yeah, that's pretty pricey. The 6s Plus on the other hand, still has a great camera, display, and has a headphone jack. Also its $100 cheaper for the 128gb variant. Also, I am not buying an Android. I don't hate Android, but I've become involved with the iOS ecosystem and I'm past the point of no return sadly.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 12:30:09 AM by Willco2 »

If you don't have anything to lose from spending that kind of money on the iPhone 7 Plus, I say you go for it.

unless there is a real problem with what you already have why bother upgrading
I have an iphone 5, which is relatively old at this point. I'd like to get a new one now just because of a little crack in the screen, but other than that, I'd be pretty content with it. as long as you can still use the latest ios I don't see any reason to upgrade asap

same as fox, i have a 5s and it works 100% great

after looking at what they added in ios 10 i want to die
im still using ios 7 i think

except for the deep learning picture search thing, thats hella
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 03:19:12 AM by Swollow »


but I've become involved with the iOS ecosystem and I'm past the point of no return sadly.
What does this even mean?

What does this even mean?
he's used to using iphones and doesn't want to go through the learning process of learning something like android.

I cannot advise anybody to buy the latest iPhone, given the issue of the headphone jack and price. It does seem like Apple is trying to propel that pretentious "get with the times" attitude they've held for a while onto everybody else.

Wait for an updated model with headphone jack and a price-drop.

Is the iPhone 7 out yet? I'd say wait a couple weeks Incase there's a problem, however I would also note that from my experience apple intentionally makes their older phones slower in software updates so your 6 will become a pain to use quickly if you get one.