Author Topic: Mr.Wallet's Rise of Blockland 2 (Fixed)  (Read 4401 times)

Can you explain what Rise of Blockland 2 was? The old thread doesn't give any information.

Can you explain what Rise of Blockland 2 was? The old thread doesn't give any information.
"Rise of Blockland 2 is a city-building and economy sim where players slowly build up a personal business empire over the course of several weeks."

Quote taken straight from the RTB GUI post.

holy stuff who are you
where did you come from
are you the loving messiah
what youre doing right now is potentially game saving

he could be a number of people including brian smith, racerboy, or watt-son (bin, ms. terra, mr. bones). ive heard these people have extensive private addon collections, which is why ive listed them

I recall Kalphiter had access to RoB 2 as he was the server host, he came on the server at one point and was critiquing the code. Mr. Wallet was pretty stingy about it so I'm not sure where else someone would have gotten it.

I recall Kalphiter had access to RoB 2 as he was the server host, he came on the server at one point and was critiquing the code. Mr. Wallet was pretty stingy about it so I'm not sure where else someone would have gotten it.
Mr. Wallet will give out things if you're persistent enough.

he could be a number of people including brian smith, racerboy, or watt-son (bin, ms. terra, mr. bones). ive heard these people have extensive private addon collections, which is why ive listed them
Could someone try to get the creators of these mods together and cross reference who they gave these mods to?

Mr. Wallet will give out things if you're persistent enough.
This was premiered in 2011 if I remember correct, And last I spoke to Mr.Wallet he told me he was not Interested in Blockland (Note this was about a year ago so I have no idea now)
Could someone try to get the creators of these mods together and cross reference who they gave these mods to?
Please, I would rlly like to know who this guy is

A guy with lots of money and likes to buy private files or addons

You were there for me when no one else was