Author Topic: how does one admit to their anti-gay parents that they are gay  (Read 4147 times)


help pls. I've been worried that my parents are gonna get on my computer soon and see something I don't want them to see. so how can I tell them that i'm gay without them having a stroke...?

edit: I don't watch gay research, i'm just in a relationship atm
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:00:51 AM by NintenBoy »

Put a password on your computer
Surf in incognito
put your gay research in a hidden folder
Get an exorcism

First of all, it's unwise to have that stuff on your computer in the first place, but that part is none of my business, really.

And anti-gay like how?  Like the "we disagree with it" kind, the "homoloveuality is wrong" kind, the "gay people are mentally ill" kind, or the "all friends will burn in hell" kind?

Like you haven't given us anything to work with here.

First of all, it's unwise to have that stuff on your computer in the first place, but that part is none of my business, really.

And anti-gay like how?  Like the "we disagree with it" kind, the "homoloveuality is wrong" kind, the "gay people are mentally ill" kind, or the "all friends will burn in hell" kind?

Like you haven't given us anything to work with here.

all friends burn in hell kind, and no, I don't watch gay research.

edit: I've never watched gay research now that I think about it

Well, isolate how they sort logic first.

On topics on which they might have a strong stance that isn't this one, can you hold a logical conversation with them?

Well, isolate how they sort logic first.

On topics on which they might have a strong stance that isn't this one, can you hold a logical conversation with them?
Yeah, probably. I don't really talk to them often, but they're really logical, I can tell you that. great reasoning and all that bullstuff.

Yeah, probably. I don't really talk to them often, but they're really logical, I can tell you that. great reasoning and all that bullstuff.

Then stop being gay if it's not logical.

"some people are gay, get over it" posters are quite a common sight in England. Perhaps your parents should just accept it.

just say "mom... dad... you're gay" and then they'll realize that they are gay, causing a divorce where it will be your fault, now you will have 2 moms and 2 dads to deal with so you get more christmas presents, then after you get the christmas presnets you finally tell your gay parents that they actually arent gay and you were just too scared to come out, then they will divorce their current gay lovers realizing they hate gay people and then they will hate you and you wont get anymore christasm presents

So are you more afraid of a rejection or an deluge of logical arguments to a conversation that merits emotional addressal?

I want to help if I can, but I think the forums has hardly any context.

My first reaction when you said that they're the "burn in hell" type is that it simply wouldn't work.  Helping you with a "how" type question can only really work when we can develop some kind of strategy for you.  And that requires knowledge.

Personally, I would err on the side of catching them when they say that they love you or some affectionate thing, then asking more clearly something like "you love me, right?" Then when they'll undoubtedly say yes, then you say something like, "then I feel like I need to say something...."

Just think it out, feel it out, and say it at the right moment.  I cannot guarantee that this is a good solution, but it says to your parents that you value their love and that your identity has nothing to do with how you feel about them.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:19:47 AM by SWAT One »

Consider texting them that you're gay. It's much easier than saying it in person if that's a problem you're facing.

stop being gay
its that easy

Consider texting them that you're gay. It's much easier than saying it in person if that's a problem you're facing.

This, also how anti-gay are they on a scale of 1 to 10?

Consider texting them that you're gay. It's much easier than saying it in person if that's a problem you're facing.

Seems like the cowards way out.

Don't even text them "I'm gay" just send them this video

How old/dependent is OP?

It might literally just be better for your short-term mental situation to keep it a secret.