Author Topic: Age of Charlemagne - 781 AD  (Read 3970 times)

Europe is in war, the sons of Pepin are fighting over who will be the true ruler of Francia, the Kingdom of Asturias is facing down against the Umayadd threat in Hispania while the Byzantines are trying to fight off the pagans and muslims who contest the borders of the Byzantine Empire. Will you lead Francia to the glory it deserves? Maybe you will help the Byzantine Empire bring back the glory of the long lost Roman Empire or will you be the one to fight off the Umayadd threat in Hispania to claim the land for yourself. The possibilities are endless - but what will YOU do?

Anno Domini
781 CE - 3 years per update


Please look into your chosen land on Wikipedia before playing as them - not all of these are simple tribals.

The following are some places that may be of note:
King Desiderius | No Player
Lombard (Germanic) | Western Christian
West Francia
King Karl | No Player
Frankish (Germanic) | Western Christian
Middle Francia
King Karl | No Player
Frankish (Germanic) | Western Christian
Basileus Leon | Juncoph
Greek (Byzantine) | Eastern Iconoclast
King Tarla | Maxwell
Pictish (Celtic) | Western Christian
Grand Chief Theoderic | No Player
Saxon (Germanic) | Germanic Pagan
Khan Dengizikh | No Player
Avar (Altaic) | Tengri
Sultan Rahman | No Player
Bedouin (Arabic) | Sunni
High Chief Nezamisl | No Player
Bohemian (Slavic) | Slavic Pagan
King Offa | No Player
Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) | Western Christian
King Aurelio | No Player
Visigothic (Iberian) | Western Christian
High Chief Ankad | No Player
Lettigallian (Baltic) | Slavic Pagan

That was a list of the many important duchies, kingdoms and empires that you should keep an eye on/play as, you aren't limited to these kingdoms and empires. As you are equally allowed to play as any random duchy, kingdom or empire! However, I will be picky about who I allow to play as the Byzantine Empire.

  • Juncoph as Theophylaktos (9) of the Byzantines.
    • Culture: Greek (Byzantine)
    • Religion: Eastern Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Unified
  • Nicepoint as Ihala (43) of the Satakunta.
    • Culture: Finnish (Finno-Ugric)
    • Religion: Western Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Unified
  • Maxwell as Tarla (37) of the Picts.
    • Culture: Pictish (Celtic)
    • Religion: Western Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Disparate
  • grunterdb as Mansa Seydou (56) of the Mali.
    • Culture: Mandé (West African)
    • Religion: West African (Pagan)
    • Integrity: Stable

Age of Charlemagne does not have a tech tree, policy list, or similar, nor does it utilize hard numbers for economy and military. However, it DOES have a mechanic called Integrity. Integrity is a measure of how centralized and stable your nation is, and how close your nation is from simply falling apart into isolated barbarians with no ruler. Integrity may be reduced by succession crises, constant war, internal strife, plotting, and more; increasing it is more difficult, and requires being at peace. Increasing integrity may disgruntle the nobility, but it can also help barbarians reform to a feudal kingdom. It is a scale from zero to five, as follows:

Ø - Anarchy
You are essentially no longer leading your nation.
The monarchy has lost all authority over the people,
and the land will quickly splinter into individual
bands of barbarians. It is almost impossible to bounce
back from this, so be sure to keep your integrity high.
I - Collapsing
The monarchy is barely on the verge of falling apart.
The lower nobility is unhappy with the rulership, and
internal strife threatens to tear the land apart. The
situation is dire, and must be fixed immediately.
II - Disparate
Although there is certainly bickering among the
nobles, the land seems to be holding it together for
now. The situation is tenable, but should be improved.
III - Stable
The nation is stable. There is no immediate risk of
catastrophe, the nobles seem relatively benign, and
there are few single events that could ruin the realm.
That said, things could definitely be better.
IV - Unified
Not only is the realm unified, but it's been decently
centralized, too. The nobles do not have very much power,
and regions are not particularly autonomous. Improving
beyond this is difficult and will anger the nobles.
V - Absolute
The land is essentially an absolute monarchy.
None dare to question your power (resent it though they
may), and even a major crCIA won't damage the realm
too much. This is as stable as it gets.


  • Don't be a richard. This includes being an starfish, being a douchebag, and even being a cunt!
  • Don't be an idiot. This includes being a dumbass and means you should use common sense.

Those should be both obvious and sufficient. If you should need more (and hopefully you don't):
  • Do not act for other nations. Never say you attacked a province and captured it, only that you tried to.
  • Be reasonable; technology should be appropriate to the era, et cetera.
  • I, as the Pope OP, have the final say in all matters.

And some technical rules:
  • Covert actions can be taken via PM. You can use personal messages on the forums, messages on Steam or Discord for this purpose.
  • Any kingdom and empire may be played. Also, see me personally if you want to play as the Byzantine Empire.
  • Pick a kingdom or empire according to your experience and how busy you will be.

  • If I miss an action that you made, pester me when I'm online to fix it.

Forum Games Discord! Join it!

« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 01:36:15 PM by Zharthon »

Green part at the South Western Finland

Also, the labelled should contain the whole map
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 05:22:06 AM by Nicepoint »

byzantium pls

Green part at the South Western Finland

Also, the labelled should contain the whole map


All of you fellows are accepted, everyone can now start playing, make your moves I guess.

For those who haven't picked a kingdom/empire yet, you can still claim land and start playing in the middle of the game.

take advantage of iconoclasm to weaken the church's hold on politics

begin replacing orthodox vassals wirh iconoclast ones whether or not the orthodox vassals like it

begin writing laws that complicate and restrict the creation of factions

require all landed nobles to make an annual voyage to constantinople for political discussion and carousing

etc etc

in short work towards integrity 4

oh also write stuff tons of laws about enforcing agnatic-cognatic primogeniture succession because forget succession crises
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 01:01:58 PM by Juncoph »

Mali get

invade Songhai for glorious Mali (soon to be) empire

Satakunta reinforces integrity

the picts begin recruiting mercenaries

Anno Domini

The Ghana Tribe
769: The Ghana Tribe declares a subjugation WAR on The Songhay Tribe!

769: Battle of Gao-Saney
1597 Ghanians are attacking 648 Songhayans.
The Ghana Tribe wins the battle and decimates the Songhay warriors

769: Siege of Gao Tribe
1569 Ghanians are laying siege against 470 Songhayans
The Ghana Tribe manages to siege the Gao Tribe, killing all Songhay warriors.

770: Siege the Temple of Gao-Saney
1431 Ghanians are laying siege against 328 Songhayans
The Ghana Tribe sieges the Temple of Gao-Saney and slaughters all Songhay.

The Songhay Tribe has put down it's weapons, they will obey any demands.

771-772: Birth of a Kingdom!

After controlling enough land, the leader of the Ghana Tribe: Seydou, has claimed and obtained the Kingdom of Mali- he will be known as Mansa Seydou of Mali in the following years.

This sudden step up the ladder of leadership has left the neighbours of Mali in awe, as they do not dare enter the land of Mali or take action against Seydou to prevent him from taking more land.

The Byzantine Empire

769: Change in Law!

Basileus Konstantinos V has spent the year of 769 creating succession laws and increasing the authority of the crown to help stabilize the Byzantine Empire and has had much success in doing so, further stabilizing the realm.

770: Civil War!

Strategos Theodoros despite all the efforts of Konstantinos V to unify the realm, has marched outside of Constantinople with an army of traitorous vassals and is attacking the Theodosian Walls, all in an attempt to lower the authority of the crown.

770: Battle of Constantinople
1589 Byzantine Traitors are attacking 3389 Byzantines.
The Byzantine Empire annihilates the army of rebels and imprisons Strategos Theodoros, only to execute him a month later.

The Byzantine Revolt has died with the death of Strategos Theodoros, all who attacked Constantinople lie dead.

771-772: Peace and Prosperity!

Due to the lack of any warmongering, the realm begins to prosper from the well-deserved peacetime it has.

Jarldom of Sviþjod declares a subjugation WAR on Satakunta!

769: Battle of Suomi
1328 Sviþjod are attacking 1284 Satakunta.
Satakunta win the battle due to a river advantage over the enemy.

769: Siege of Aland Tribe
1148 Satakunta are attacking 371 Sviþjod
Satakunta manage to attack and siege the tribe of Aland.

770: Battle of Uppsala
1238 Satakunta are attacking 784 Sviþjod
Satakunta defeat the final army of Sviþjod in a one-sided battle.

Sviþjod has failed in it's attempt to subjugate Satakunta and will surrender to any demands.

771: Allies!

After the Satakunta defeated the Sviþjod, chieftains directly north of Satakunta decided to swear fealty to High Chief Ihala, not only does this expand the land that Satakunta already owned- but provides more troops for the wars to be waged in the future.

High Chief Ihala tries to convince his new allies to increase the stability of the realm by giving himself more power, due to the utmost respect from all his vassals, none dare speak against Ihala, new laws are implemented in Satakunta to increase the integrity of the realm and the power of the High Chieftain.

772: Political Tension!

A vassal under High Chief Ihala has demanded to be released from his oath to Ihala, the High Chief has not yet responded to his letter and should take some time to decide if he should allow this or not.

The Picts

769-770: Peace and Prosperity!

From the lack of any warmongering, the realm prospers in the large time of peace it was in.

771: Prepared for War!

Ciniod II has spent a medium sum of his overall wealth to hire mercenaries, Ciniod II manages to hire the Breton Band, a large mercenary warband with around 13042 troops at his disposal.

771: Allies!

The ruler of the County of Ebithan, Aed III has sworn fealty to Ciniod II due to his fear of possible war between himself and the Pictish people, this has expanded the borders of Pictland even further.

772: Peace and Prosperity!

From the lack of any warmongering, the realm prospers in the large time of peace it was in.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 11:35:47 AM by Zharthon »

Ihala tries to negotiate a deal with the vassal.

New roads are to be made trough Finland to improve trade and relations between clans and overall integrity of Finland

use the traitor stufftery to have an excuse to imprison and revoke titles from lots of people who had ties with the rebellion

hand out the titles to members of the emperor's dynasty

continue raising crown authority and integrity
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:00:49 PM by Juncoph »

Mali settles down and works towards centralizing the state and installing agnatic-cognatic primogeniture while their neighbors are stunned by their recent actions

the picts pack soldiers into ships and sends them to the western isles, and also promptly declares war on them

Anno Domini

The Mali

772: Change in Law!

Mansa Seydou manages to pass laws which increase the organization of the Mali, this increases the stability and authority of the crown.

Mansa Seydou can now revoke the titles of his direct vassals.

773-775: Peace and Prosperity!

From the lack of any warmongering, this realm has begun to prosper from the peace they have found.

The Byzantine Empire

772: Situation Resolved!

Basileus Konstantinos V revokes the titles of all those involved in the Byzantine Revolt, instantly handing those titles out to his two eldest children.

773: Murder!

Konstantinos V, on his way to greet his vassals who arrived in Constantinople for his annual carousing, was brutally butchered and killed by a large group of disguised bandits, the guards protecting Konstantinos V managed to kill many of the disguised assassins, but were unable to find out who was behind the attack.

After the tragic assassination of Konstantinos V, Prince Leon- the eldest son of Konstantinos V has stepped up and claimed the Byzantine throne, now known as Basileus Leon.

774: Political Struggle!

Basileus Leon proposes to increase the authority of the crown in the Byzantine Empire, but after the sudden murder of Konstantinos V- most rulers feel that it is too early to push the creation of more laws that give the crown absolute authority.

The law to make the authority of the crown absolute is faced with the public disapproval of all vassal lords, the law does not pass.

775: Peace and Prosperity!

From the lack of any warmongering, this realm begins to prosper from the peace they have found.


772: Political Tension is Resolved!

Chief Hapaa, who seeked to become free from the control of High Chief Ihala was convinced to stay as a chieftain in Satakunta after he was gifted a large sum of gold.

The realm is impressed by this show of diplomatic skill (and bribery), the risk of a future revolt even being considered has been decreased heavily.

773-774: Trade Established!

Markets and dirt roads connecting local tribal villages have been constructed in all the lands of Satakunta, increasing the amount of trade flowing through the lands, but doing very little to help stabilize the realm.

775: Change in Faith?

The Papacy has sent out a Western Christian priest in an attempt to convert the both High Chief Ihala and the population of Satakunta into devoted Western Christians, will this infidel priest be burned alive for stepping on the land of the Satakunta- or will High Chief Ihala travel down the road of god and convert to Christianity?

The Picts

772: The Picts declare a de jure claim WAR on Innse Gall!

772: Setting Sail!

The massive Pictish and Breton Band army has set sail to the lands of the Innse Gall, prepared to conquer the enemy.

772: Battle of ì Chaluim Chille
13183 Picts & The Bretons are attacking 387 Irishmen.
The Picts totally destroy the army of 387 Irishmen, none of the Irish are left alive to keep as prisoners.

772: Battle of the Innse Gall Tribe
13176 Picts & The Bretons are laying siege to a tribal village, holding 373 Irishmen as garrison.
The Picts have broken the defenses of the tribal village, pouring in and slaughtering all Irishmen who dare rise up in arms against them.

The Innse Gall have been annihilated, King Ciniod II has claimed the western isles for himself with nobody left to contest his claim.

773-774: Peace and Prosperity!

From the lack of any warmongering, this realm begins to prosper from the peace they have found.

774: Death of a King!

Ciniod II has passed away at the age of 51 from natural causes, his loss is heavily mourned by his close family and the people of Pictland.

Ciniod's eldest son Tarla has been placed upon the throne of Pictland as the legitimate heir to the Pictish Kingdom.

775: Heretical Discovery?

Bishop Aniel, a local Western Christian holy-man has requested an audience with King Tarla.

The demand of the Bishop is simple, he wishes to gather up all the heretical works that exist in Pictland in order to burn it all in the name of god, what will King Tarla do?