Author Topic: Browser build viewer  (Read 2833 times)

This is definetly still in testing stages but it's pretty functional. Slopes currently render as blocks, the big square baseplates aren't added yet, and no special bricks. There are no textures as of now but I'll likely add that.

Make sure you click the screen after a build loads and accept locking your cursor for better movement. Give it a few seconds to load, especially on bigger builds. I tested this in the popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

You can browse for build files on your computer or load some of the default examples I threw in.
I'd like to make an extension that allows you to quickly view hotlinked builds within your browser.

controls - WASD +mouse
shift to go faster
scroll to adjust your speed

also if anyone has any idea how to get the brick data from servers that'd be awesome.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 08:09:10 AM by Steve5451² »

Would you also make an implementation for this to work on Blender? I can't get that one add-on for the BLS import to work on my version for some reason.

someone put in utopia city

Would you also make an implementation for this to work on Blender? I can't get that one add-on for the BLS import to work on my version for some reason.
I have it
It works just fine if you use 2.77

Looks interesting
I'll see if it can handle my 596k city

I assume the missing bricks is because cubes and ModTer aren't supported yet, but why is my build mirrored?

I assume the missing bricks is because cubes and ModTer aren't supported yet, but why is my build mirrored?

it looks like all builds are mirrored

Loading the builds takes a while but the rendering is fabulously fast. WebGL has come a really long way.

Loading the builds takes a while but the rendering is fabulously fast. WebGL has come a really long way.

Merging bricks with the same color changed my 2 fps to 100. Reading the save files is on another thread and quick but creating thousands of shapes a second is the bottleneck. I'm still experimenting with this, I'll probably figure something out.

it can't

maybe it just needed time to load? It's also entirely possible it just came across something unexpected and errored.

it looks like all builds are mirrored

I wasn't extremely familiar with the builds so I didn't notice it, I'll fix it in the morning. oh yeah I'm an insomniac. Fixed.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 03:53:21 AM by Steve5451² »