Author Topic: Went paintballing (again), ama  (Read 680 times)

t was some sportsday at school and I picked paintballing because thats p cool. It was a 1 hour ride on the loving bike so I was already dead when I arrived that, and had to head back tho so I probably died twice that day so thats nice.
First game was capture the flag and I was on defense because nobody wants to defend and I managed the hold of a few guys with supressive fire from the left wich is great (also rip all my ammo) didnt make any kills tough. We ended up winning the round
Second game was cap the flag tho and I was in a dank af location and managed to pick off like 8 guys untill some twat from my team shot me, who knew I was there, who also had all the time to determine I was in their team. So yh that sucked. Won tho
3rd game was TDM and I got toasted by some dude who shot me 20 loving times from 3 meters away because 1 shot doesnt do the job apperently.
4Th game was p cool. You got like 2 wooden rings and every ring was a life. If you get shot you gotta hand over the ring to that guy and the guy has to go to the center to start over. As the handicap I am I didnt take my rings at the start of the round so yeah if I got shot I was p much toasted. I ended up with 3 rings at the end of the game :^)

Teamplay was cool tho, especially with my friends.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 04:31:39 PM by espio100 »

does everyone need an ama for every action they do on planet earth

does everyone need an ama for every action they do on planet earth
this. off topic has turned into an accurate representation of the roblox talk board

does everyone need an ama for every action they do on planet earth
I touched the wall, ama

just title the post blogland not ama

and put /discuss at the end of the post like the old days

just title the post blogland not ama

and put /discuss at the end of the post like the old days