Author Topic: child enthusiast with 137,000 indecent pictures of children spared jail to start family  (Read 18410 times)

Phedophiles are loving immature starfishs.

guys cmon its not that hard to see hes joking man
not really, dog

and to some degree I can see what he means. being a child enthusiast alone shouldn't be illegal, because you literally can't do anything about it. all you can do is suppress the urges, and prison is definitely not going to help with that. and it goes without saying that acting on it should be incredibly illegal. but just having research is more questionable. on one hand you can definitely say that it supports the.. "business" (if nobody watched it, nobody would make it), but on the other hand you can't quantify that, so just downloading videos and stuff is relatively harmless. either way I wouldn't say it deserves jail time. but there should be big restrictions on the rest of your life, including all the normal love offender stuff, and also, not being allowed to have custody of your kids. that's just a recipe for disaster

No, I'm not joking. Simply being in possession of real child research should not be enough to make someone a criminal. At most they should be closely watched for a while to make sure they aren't raping anyone.

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b. Pictures where an animal is involved in some form of loveual behaviour with a child.
Hot damn.

No, I'm not joking. Simply being in possession of real child research should not be enough to make someone a criminal. At most they should be closely watched for a while to make sure they aren't raping anyone.
I want to get this framed for the moment you're taken into custody by the FBI for possession.

I want to get this framed for the moment you're taken into custody by the FBI for possession.

Go ahead.

No, I'm not joking. Simply being in possession of real child research should not be enough to make someone a criminal. At most they should be closely watched for a while to make sure they aren't raping anyone.
If it's a few pictures, maybe, and only if they were planted as a sick joke (I.e. the supposed versions of Sad Satan that had CP and gore planted in or a particularly nasty ex trying to get revenge). This guy had 137,000 photos, he clearly had the full intent of choking his chicken to this stuff for decades to come, and the fact that you're trying to justify that shows how much of a degenerate you are.

How would you feel if a relative or family friend was masturbating to childhood pictures of you? How would you feel if you were coerced into doing disgusting acts just to satisfy them because you didn't know any better? How would you feel if someone was raped or molested and you found videos of that act on said relative or friend's computer? Would you just accept it? If they're actively resisting their urges, I'd be tempted to give them a chance, but if they have masses of CP, they're clearly a danger to society and should be treated as such.

No, I'm not joking. Simply being in possession of real child research should not be enough to make someone a criminal. At most they should be closely watched for a while to make sure they aren't raping anyone.

you're one of the most sick, morally decrepit and disgusting people i have ever seen in quite a while

if you're making a sick joke, good job for fooling me

but if you legitimately believe that possession of 137,000+ pictures of child research should just put you on a watchlist and not get you arrested and hauled off to jail for being a disgusting menace to society, i feel sad for you and your entire family

do not have children, for their sake

I just don't see possession alone as a threat to anyone. The people who are actually raping children are the ones who need to be stopped. The pictures are just a product of those people, and if you're not the one loveually abusing children to create them, you're not the real problem.

I just don't see possession alone as a threat to anyone. The people who are actually raping children are the ones who need to be stopped. The pictures are just a product of those people, and if you're not the one loveually abusing children to create them, you're not the real problem.


I just don't see possession alone as a threat to anyone. The people who are actually raping children are the ones who need to be stopped. The pictures are just a product of those people, and if you're not the one loveually abusing children to create them, you're not the real problem.
if you actively support people creating child research then you are part of the problem, you're giving them reasons to want to make more

I just don't see possession alone as a threat to anyone. The people who are actually raping children are the ones who need to be stopped. The pictures are just a product of those people, and if you're not the one loveually abusing children to create them, you're not the real problem.

Oh christ, I feel so bad for that kid he's going to have.
Code: [Select]
b. Pictures where an animal is involved in some form of loveual behaviour with a child.
if you really think im serious you have problems