Author Topic: Bet you didn't know!  (Read 5509 times)

if you type /ClearFarAwayBricks it clears bricks that are far away!



/nextchest if your an admin it fetches you to the chest



/ActivateStuff - Basically a left mouse click

/EndSaveFileUpload - Stops your loading so you don't have to leave and rejoin (admins on a server, not host)

/GetTransform - Tells you the X Y Z of an object by looking at it and typing /GetTransform


« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 04:43:18 PM by Daniel.S »

Jee, and I wonder what /sad :panda: does...

bet you didn't know that if you find the crimson brick before the golden brick, you unlock an alternate adventure mode that's a lot more difficult but has some extra bosses

you can press crtl E to go back a column on the paint color selector

you can press alt+F4 to quickly exit blogland. clicking those guis is tough

you can press alt+F4 to quickly exit blogland. clicking those guis is tough
Dude, don't give out the free admin exploit!!!!!!11!1!

block land was made in 1999

you can type /zombie as an alternative to /hug

you can type /Self Delete to end your life irl.

block land was made in 1999
that's when i was born
am i actually blockland

you can ban people who have left your server by finding their name in the "clear bricks" menu

if you freelook you can click things behind you without actually turning your body

holding a dwand makes you immune to onPlayertouch events

right clicking a brick in the brick menu makes it your current ghost brick without having to put it in your brick hotbar. great for quick grabbing a brick you need

holding a dwand makes you immune to onPlayertouch events

right clicking a brick in the brick menu makes it your current ghost brick without having to put it in your brick hotbar. great for quick grabbing a brick you need

informaniac gave me that hint as well