Author Topic: Importing Terrain Data  (Read 561 times)

Would it be possible to extract data from a game like Arma 2/3 and import it into something like PTG and make a build out of it in Blockland? Or any similar methods? I'm looking to create another large-scale TDM and I'd like to use a map themed like the Chernarus map from the arma series. This is a really far fetched idea but I just want to know if there's any way to achieve something like this.

is it possible? yes. does anyone want to put in the work to make it? unlikely

If I remember correctly Redo or somebody made a thing that converted a heightmap into cube bricks placed at various heights. It'd be a start for making into a modter map. Not sure if you'd be able to contact them about using it, though.

Perhaps you could ask in the PTG thread about making it accept external heightmaps?

didnt heedcalking have a heightmaps converter thing? i think thats how he got slopes in modter