Author Topic: Who up in California show yourself  (Read 7464 times)

who is in the good old california state? the state of gold and shine. the state of gangs n steak. if you are a californian please post here

i probably will

its a small world

cali represent

in one of the most liberal places in cali too
lots of outspoken liberals here but they're still the minority, just much larger in # than anywhere else

first you say you won't post until Nov 7 now you say you'll "post less" until Nov 7

Good Morning from California!

Orange county, over here. It rained today, so that was cool.

Orange county, over here. It rained today, so that was cool.
it was super overcast all day here but it was just warm and humid, no rain

Orange county, over here. It rained today, so that was cool.

omg me too i havent heard the sound of thunder in forever. cool 2 know another OC brother friend here

It rained today, so that was cool.
we're being rained on by the same system right now in vegas