Author Topic: My Dream  (Read 223 times)

I don't usually remember these because I don't know why, too much pot, but anyway.

There I was in a parking lot, inbetween two ford 4x4 pick-ups. For a brief moment, I look at map quest and put my foot on the break, only to realize it's the gas, and I accelerate 40 feet into this angry German guy's yellow ferrari whilst in an escalade. I knocked him back through nine fences, his vehicle clips through them like a video-game and half of his vehicle is missing on the left-hand side.

I had so much anxiety about the acceleration I could not remove my foot from the gas. He had a marine sticker at the front of his car and I threw up. I ran over to help him out, he's screaming like a banshee in German now, I'm terrified. I apologize and reach for my insurance card but he grabs my hips and caresses me, forgets me in the ass and whispers into my ear "Du hast", and when he came he calls out "Ist Wunderbar!" and I crawl into a fetal position on the cement.

As it turns out I hit the lead singer of Rammstein.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 02:10:26 PM by Neventii »