Author Topic: How to make a picture?  (Read 1043 times)

Not a profile picture. I need to know how to make a picture for my colorsets and upload them.
I made a new colorset and I wanna make a picture thing of it.
If somebody could make a picture, tell me how to make a picture, and tell me how to paste it that would be great.
Colorset: Tux's Colorz II
200 0 0 255
236 238 20 255
255 103 0 255
18 147 47 255
90 180 234 255
0 0 200 255
137 0 137 255
98 0 95 255
DIV: Standards

150 0 0 255
255 204 0 255
187 79 0 255
18 134 47 255
0 117 197 255
0 0 127 255
86 0 88 255
49 0 40 255
DIV: Darks

215 73 69 255
255 210 124 255
255 170 95 255
118 247 147 255
115 119 224 255
102 103 255 255
181 117 178 255
164 93 154 255
DIV: Lights

255 0 0 200
255 255 0 200
255 103 0 200
18 147 47 200
0 136 255 200
0 0 249 200
0 0 0 200
0 0 0 0
DIV: Transparents

0 0 0 255
50 50 50 255
100 100 100 255
180 180 180 255
255 255 255 255
100 100 100 200
60 60 60 200
28 28 25 200
DIV: Grayscale

56 27 0 255
103 76 44 255
90 69 51 255
134 85 28 255
146 85 28 255
93 59 30 200
185 139 91 200
113 91 64 200
DIV: Brownscale

im not gonna lie the no pix no clix thing is kinda annoying

you can probably take a picture of it on a bright map, just 1x1 bricks per color to match the colorset selector

im not gonna lie the no pix no clix thing is kinda annoying

it's more annoying for your target audience to be expected to download something with out informing them what they're downloading

why can't you just take a picture yourself?

why can't you just take a picture yourself?
oh i see what you mean

Make sure you package your colorset into a .zip file (if you don't know how, go look at other colorsets)

assuming you have System_ReturnToBlockland go to Start A Server when you open blockland. Then you go to the colorset tab on the left.

Select the colorset you want but don't continue. You'll see a preview of your colorset. just printscreen (the button on your keyboard) and paste it into MS Paint and crop out everything else.

oh i see what you mean

Make sure you package your colorset into a .zip file (if you don't know how, go look at other colorsets)

assuming you have System_ReturnToBlockland go to Start A Server when you open blockland. Then you go to the colorset tab on the left.

Select the colorset you want but don't continue. You'll see a preview of your colorset. just printscreen (the button on your keyboard) and paste it into MS Paint and crop out everything else.
Does it work with other things rather than my colorset? I tried using a brick texture switcher and now my studs are just smooth prints.

Does it work with other things rather than my colorset? I tried using a brick texture switcher and now my studs are just smooth prints.
Not to mention I used Zeblote's Colorset Editor

are you trying to get a picture like this?