Author Topic: Open question for Meme Professor Kimon/Poliwhirl  (Read 3178 times)

Why are unfunny things such as "Damn, Daniel" and "Milhouse is not a meme" turned into memes? What could drive someone to spread un-dank, non-spicy, and just unfunny memes around, such as that "Funny Banana"?

i say dankality and spiciness are subjective. perhaps you don't see it as such, but surely there must be many who see "damn, daniel" as one of the dankest memes ever?

jesus christ do you need to shove politics into every discussion

jesus christ do you need to shove politics into every discussion
I think It's a symptom of Down Syndrome

ok lol obviously you don't lurk enough to understand the banana man
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 01:10:06 PM by Willymcmilly »

kimon legitimately believes that only things spawning from leftist tumblr blogs can be funny


if this is what you consider an answer to a topic like this then you must be a real loving stuffty person irl

ok lol obviously you don't lurk enough to understand the banana man
I know the origins of that meme, and I see it in every YLYL thread from 4chan. I understand it fully.

But wouldn't actual content be better? I guess this one's not as much of a mystery, as it is another tool for trolls.

I know the origins of that meme, and I see it in every YLYL thread from 4chan. I understand it fully.

But wouldn't actual content be better? I guess this one's not as much of a mystery, as it is another tool for trolls.
if you see the banana, save it, it's all yours

kimon legitimately believes that only things spawning from leftist tumblr blogs can be funny

it's true i've seen it

kimon legitimately believes that only things spawning from leftist tumblr blogs can be funny
it's true i've seen it
So wait, are the two of you questioning his validity and posistion as Meme Professor?

...Should someone replace him?

kimon legitimately believes that only things spawning from leftist tumblr blogs can be funny
this is a lie one time i ran over my friend and kimon laughed and then ate his corpse

So wait, are the two of you questioning his validity and posistion as Meme Professor?
...Should someone replace him?

i vote maxwell