Author Topic: please delete  (Read 8008 times)

You don't have to remove the content in this topic. I'm gonna be honest I don't think anyone is gonna take comments from a forum about building blocks seriously. Just post it on the FNAF subreddit.

thank god you're here :D
i am also admin and this will not be deleted

You don't have to remove the content in this topic. I'm gonna be honest I don't think anyone is gonna take comments from a forum about building blocks seriously. Just post it on the FNAF subreddit.
you are the holy grail....thank you for reminding me of that!


BANNED?? I didn't think it would get this far.
It's just a topic, I'm sorry, but I get mad, however I probably won't use the forums since it seems...a bit unusual for me. Don't take this too seriously...what am i saying...just get rid of this topic.
Just please don't ban me from Blockland itself, I love the game.. I paid £20 to get it, and I don't want it to go to waste.

i am banning you right now
it is too late

thank god you're here :D
Yes. However: You will have to give me A Minute. I am touching my boner.

I'm just going to try and summarize this topic since it's so confusing.

This guy makes a topic about making a remake of a FNaF game for Blockland using a game maker, which only after two comments, thinks his reputation is getting lowered over one post. He then focuses on said reputation for a few more posts, before going nuclear at everyone, then decides he is going to close the topic and "play blockland but leave the forums". Afterwards after seeing somebody has evidence, OP then begs for himself to not be banned, completely ignoring the fact that he said he was done with the forums, then believes someone is an admin, even through there is no indication that person is admin.

And lets not forget that this all happened over one post that he thought, "Oh no! This will lower my reputation for sure! I better counterattack to prevent that from happening!"

In a nutshell, I bought an official key from the official website, however the key didn't work and they closed my topic on the forums there a minute after I opened it to complain.
you bought a key for a free program?
