Author Topic: please delete  (Read 8032 times)

People on the forums don't like the idea of me introducing an off-topic idea that's interesting to many people, so I'm closing this topic.
thanks for thinking we're all bad because you overreacted a bit we needed more people thinking that

If none of you stop I will have to ban everyone in this topic

-TheABELBOTO, Forum Moderator

you bought a key for a free program?

na he was saying he got a key for game maker studio master collection and the key didn't work, and then the evil forum goons from yoyogames refused to fix the problem when he posted on the forums about it

which i definitely doubt for several reasons

eight hundred forgetin dollars?

that's even more unbelievable

he is not replying anymore because i have banned him....

You people are Jokesters. I am the only Admin online. My cohort Bad Spot will be online to rid this thread of its Demons...

You people are Jokesters. I am the only Admin online. My cohort Bad Spot will be online to rid this thread of its Demons...
I challenge You to an Admin Showdown. Do You except?

I challenge You to an Admin Showdown. Do You except?
You are hereby banned. Leave This Place, Mortal...

You are hereby banned. Leave This Place, Mortal...
I Dare say I am not. We shall fight To the Death.

I Dare say I am not. We shall fight To the Death.
All Right
Put 'em Up..

« Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 03:48:41 PM by Eon »

eon i thought you had some major problems with stuffposting and "arr peeing" as you so described

eon i thought you had some major problems with stuffposting and "arr peeing" as you so described
Sir, You Are Banned.