Author Topic: Stupid/annoying/weird things that happen or happened at school megathread  (Read 6882 times)

I have to sit next to an autistic kid in my 7th period, and he constantly grabs my paper, burps, and has his leg hanging out the right side of his desk, so I have to separate myself from the table. He also does stupid things like throwing erasers at people and then claiming that he didn't do it, and of course the teacher always believes him.

There's also this fat kid that I saw down two mid-sized gatorades in under a minute. Disgusting.

every mexican in my school is loud and obnoxious and has the need to randomly scream out every 20 seconds

There's also this fat kid that I saw down two mid-sized gatorades in under a minute. Disgusting.
Do you go to school in florida because that's me dude

School stories should be up tomorrow, I guess. IDK tho, because i'm forgetful
And I also had to sit next to a spergburger for all of First semester, who i'm pretty sure was crazy or something. she mumbled to herself and made weird "twaaaang" noises, calling them her songs.

I cant help but feel bad and yet annoyed at these forgeters, because I swear they know what they're doing sometimes

In my strats class, my teacher is annoying as hell and is one of those teachers that call on you even though you didn't put your hand up and the class is very annoying too, there are these 2 girls a cross from me that always talk about shipping characters and there is this one motherforgeter that keeps on screaming unjokes about teletubbies and every class is something stupid like how to end phones and other basic stuff that we know how to do, last year my strats class was much more fun and interestign, but this year it's just big waste of my time.

heyhey, i might just post a Dad story, as in, my dad's school story. I gotta keep his ass anonymous however
he was a dark kid

theres this dumb girl at my school who says i remind her of cheese wheels. what.

she also constantly begs for stuff and if you tell her you dont have it then she acts super suspicious of you like you're hiding something, no idea why

shes also useless when it comes to answering questions and anything other than talking

the one girl in your class who constantly calls out random answers to try and be funny

theres this dumb girl at my school who says i remind her of cheese wheels. what.

some girl at summer camp told me she knew a girl that looked just like me
she even showed me a picture of her

imagine the most masculine-looking girl you possibly can, and even she would play more with barbies and MLP than the girl she showed me
she had hamster chub, too
it was horrifying

Teacher went out of the class, girls behind me started to moan near me.

Teacher went out of the class, girls behind me started to moan near me.
were they hot

Teacher went out of the class, girls behind me started to moan near me.
FEMALES fake moaning?
I thought it was a pre-pubescent boy thing.
whenever a teacher would leave you'd just hear high pitched squeals meant to represent women's moans.

were they hot

Eh I'm not as interested in girls with big boobs. But I guess they're okay

some kid pissed all over the floor at the only working stall in the bathroom i was in today.

help people at my school are dabbing unironically

theres this dumb girl at my school who says i remind her of cheese wheels. what.

she also constantly begs for stuff and if you tell her you dont have it then she acts super suspicious of you like you're hiding something, no idea why

shes also useless when it comes to answering questions and anything other than talking
well that's not very gouda in the slightest