Author Topic: Dear BLF, what is your juiciest online story?  (Read 1398 times)

Title. What is something that happened online that you consider JUICY?

That time everyone here was an orange was pretty juicy.

its my dream to troll a 12yo girl to Self Delete.
but unfortunately i dont know any :(

its my dream to troll a 12yo girl to Self Delete.
but unfortunately i dont know any :(
I'm sure someone here can help you track down 12 year olds on the internet.

that one i spilled apple juice on my 200 dollar keyboard

its my dream to troll a 12yo girl to Self Delete.
but unfortunately i dont know any :(
on the other hand, i (along with the small game community he was part of) helped save someone from committing Self Delete. he was found with a duct-taped gas mask and sleeping pills.

the way it went down was one of those "amazing stories of good" inspirational stuff except i was only one guy of like 6-10 that were working to get his personal info and stuff so the police station near him could confirm the story and send someone to go check on him.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 04:36:50 AM by Conan »

well, earlier this year i was looking for a game to play on steam, with my spare ten dollars.
i found a game and watched the trailer, it looked pretty cool. so i bought it and downloaded it, i played it, and i changed my name.
then there was some website for it, and then i realised that blockland is cancer and i still love it
kill me

well i found a picture of juice spilling

my beef was juicy, is juicy, will be juicy.

Underrated pun:

That time everyone here was an orange was pretty juicy.

the day i created my old forum nightmare.
I'm alive again, but under a condition : i was too dumb to understand i was being too obnoxious

BlocklandBlockoCity's butt panic - misconcept about furries

addictionally, i have been drama'd 3 times, probably more
First one : Furry hater
Second one : Eon called me gay. im not
Last one : Pure Idioticity

First, i hated furries due to a misconcept when i seen Uncyclopedia's furry article (since i'm brazillian, i seen in portuguese (you'll probably not understand).

Second, i hated Eon, because one time, i was in flockmod, drawing something, then eon came together with Stalins_Ghost (flockmod) and someone else, then called me gay and some other stuff, and another when CRITAWAKETS was there too, then eon was calling me gay and telling me to kill myself and spamming "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in the canvas (it explains why did i support critawakets).

und Third, Giant Tootsie rolls is 50% right about my previous building skills (as of july, probably), because the adobe house wasn't entirely made by me, and my color pickings were also cringy, as Flatflyer said:
whats up with you and making everything in those green colors

like that is the least fitting color scheme for ANY of those

also, i agree the colors are bad.
should have chosen better the appropriate colors.
are you sayin' im STUPID?!!
Stupid coloring, i know

you dont know how well i can build
Well? vomit colors...

i made this with my hands, except for the clock SurfaceGUI (i made the body)

also, imagine if this world didnt have trees anymore.

we need nature in order to live. trees give oxygen via photosynthesis, without them, there's no oxygen.
without oxygen, no life.

My dude there's more plants that also release oxygen, like photoplankton and algae, photoplankton even gives us half the oxygen in the world.