Author Topic: What is the most amazing movie you have ever watched?  (Read 5332 times)

I really liked Hardcore Henry, was a very fun experience. And has to be my favorite movie I've watched recently.

Is this favorite movie or movie that had the most emotional impact?

Because my favorite movie is The Truman Show only because I like watching Jim Carrey destroy society.
One time I rewatched Spirited Away while I was in a really forgeted up mood and it blew my mind into outer space.

I really liked Hardcore Henry, was a very fun experience.
hardcore henry was the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life

I really liked Hardcore Henry, was a very fun experience. And has to be my favorite movie I've watched recently.

hardcore henry was the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life

oo we got some beef

never heard of hardcore henry, but looking into it, is it shot in forgetin 1st person?

never heard of hardcore henry, but looking into it, is it shot in forgetin 1st person?
yes and like modern first person shooters it sucks

never heard of hardcore henry, but looking into it, is it shot in forgetin 1st person?
it's Violence for the Sake of Looking Cool: the Movie: the Game: the Movie: What Fast and Furious is for Wannabe Gearheads, But Instead for Nerds Who Just Think Lots of Bullets Make a Movie Good: the Movie

it's Violence for the Sake of Looking Cool: the Movie: the Game: the Movie: What Fast and Furious is for Wannabe Gearheads, But Instead for Nerds Who Just Think Lots of Bullets Make a Movie Good: the Movie

im going to forgetin kill u

straight up, fast and furious is the worst garbage there is in the theaters

Lucy blew me away when I first saw it.

i liked prometheus because i love ambitious word-building films but honestly it's far from 'amazing'.

so if I was gonna rank what I think are some of the best films I've ever seen:
1. Interstellar (awe-inspiring visuals, exciting even though its long, twists, amazing soundtrack)
2. Kubo and the Two Strings (probably the most beautiful animation ever, good story, great music)
3. Her (very artsy and touching, brilliant soundtrack)
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (brilliant work of special fx and thought-provoking plot)
5. Django Unchained (brilliant action, brilliant characters, good ending)

not gonna rank after this point but these are all great:
Spirited Away (beautiful animation, extremely imaginative)
Arrival (ambitious and feels realistic, great plot)
Lord of The Rings Trilogy (extremely ambitious and beautiful)
Inception (brilliant plot, defining soundtrack)
Coraline (2nd best animation ever, great story and just creepy enough to appeal to kids)
CitizenFour (exciting and inspiring documentary)
Mad Max: Fury Road (not really inspiring but probably the most 'fun' movie ever.. impossible not to like it)

Lucy blew me away when I first saw it.
lucy was one of the dumbest films ive ever seen. you know that the 10% of your brainpower is an urban legend right? also, she never took that drug out of circulation so this whole cycle will start again, among other numerous plotholes. the ending was really cool though
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 09:13:07 PM by McZealot »

i liked prometheus because i love ambitious word-building films but honestly it's far from 'amazing'.
how dare you

lucy was one of the dumbest films ive ever seen. you know that the 10% of your brainpower is an urban legend right? also, she never took that drug out of circulation so this whole cycle will start again, among other numerous plotholes. the ending was really cool though
I know, I just mainly liked it for how action-y it was.

seriously, my favorite films of all time is Toy Story 2 & Madagascar 2.