Author Topic: What is the most amazing movie you have ever watched?  (Read 5330 times)

interstellar is literally the worst movie of all time
martian all the way

interstellar is literally the worst movie of all time
martian all the way
are you serious

wayne's world
it was excellent

interstellar. hoping for a sequel-- or at least more movies to come out like it

the martian was cool too

Interstellar was great.

Most I've enjoyed a movie would probably be The Man From Nowhere.

Also great: Guardians of the Galaxy, The Princess Bride

interstellar. hoping for a sequel-- or at least more movies to come out like it

the martian was cool too

interstellar is literally the worst movie of all time
martian all the way

Both are awful. Battlefield Earth is the greatest sci-fi movie ever created.

Bee movie is best movie
now one's bald, the other's in a boat, and they're both unconscious

the revenant definitely

Amazing based on special effects and graphics, I'd have to say Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass. Those are some REALLY trippy movies.

interstellar is overrated as forget tbqh
really cheesy the whole way through

the art and music were outstanding but plotwise it was bad

i would've liked the martian better had i not read the book, still well done though

far and away is also a damn good movie though
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 04:09:09 PM by Drydess »

its really a tie between princess and the frog and aladdin