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Author Topic: B.F.B.B-2 [No Longer Interested]  (Read 323666 times)

Out in the mid-day sun, the players travel along the defined dirt path, through a dense woodland. Enough so that overhead leaves and branches block most of the light and warmth from above, leaving only the cool breeze and dim lighting to greet them.

Marios holds an expression of sarcastic and doubtful nature, expecting a rather poor encounter to meet them ahead. Which would be much to his dismay.

"Lets hope the results of this 'test', turn out positive and not pathetic"

Meanwhile, without any sense of judgement or care. Space1255 compiles together a snorting row of caffeine and sugar. TableSalt doesn't quite think it's enough, so he dumps some salt into the mix as well. He snorts the line before chugging down a mix of baking soda and vinegar, as well as adding coca cola to it for extra effect.

TableSalt eagerly cheers him on.


Twix is quick to construct a radar station to scan the local area for any sign of this 'evil'.

ReddBoi shares a similar mindset, hooking multiple infrared cameras to certain tree's around the woodland, which could potentially detect incoming threats.

Agent Legit 22, still inside of his little foxhole, attempts to shoot the strange man from earlier, though try as he may he can't find him. He seems to have completely and utterly disappeared.

Upon finishing the chugging, Space1255 is hit hard with a massive sugar rush, as well as major hallucinations. Was that really sugar? or did he end up snorting cocaine?


He quickly starts muttering gibberish and shaking spastically.

fall over laughing at space's crazy shenanigans
never know what hes gonna do next!!!!

hop into a t-34 and try to scout for the duder

TableSalt tumbles over laughing at the sight of Space1255's crazy shenanigans.

Agent Legit 22 boards a T-34 to scout for the strange man, though it's unlikely he'll make any progress.

ReddBoi's radar starts to emit noticeable 'ping' sounds, a quick glance reveals the cause.

Signatures are approaching quickly, from the NE. They are moving at around 30-40 MPH and closing fast!


(You will have some time to ready yourselves up before i update)

quickly blend into the environment

oh stuff
order the supplies needed to construct a pod and build


So uh, that huge post of mine doesn't count or?...

If not, intercept enemies with AEGIS-1 and deploy AEGIS-2 to attack.

Warm up my kicks, but I think something calls for me...

Build a radar and observation platform on my space station
(Upon activation it will remove all invisibility effects from hostiles)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 11:35:06 AM by Nicepoint »

So uh, that huge post of mine doesn't count or?...

If not, intercept enemies with AEGIS-1 and deploy AEGIS-2 to attack.

I just kept it in the background

give everyone anti-infared suits so only whatever we are searching for will be found by the cameras

then set up heat tracking turrts around the area if the infrared cameras find something that is close

I'll update with the first enemies in the morning, tired tonite.

give everyone anti-infared suits so only whatever we are searching for will be found by the cameras

then set up heat tracking turrts around the area if the infrared cameras find something that is close
M8, I have like hundreds of scout and combat drones out right now to search and destroy enemies do not destroy.