Author Topic: [NEWS] Bill enters Turkish parliament to establish dictatorship under Erdogan  (Read 1974 times)

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conveniently, a twin bombing happened in istanbul yesterday, causing ~200 casualties. today, president erdogan's ruling party submitted a bill to the turkish parliament with terms to abolish the prime ministry and consolidate all power to the presidency, permitting the president to appoint government workers, vice-presidents, supreme court judges, etc. under the guise of national security.

you may remember the coup from back in the summer wherein a false-flag usurpation took place in istanbul, allowing erdogan to strip the military of its right to coup and making him the leader of both the country and the military. well, now he's trying to get rid of the only forces that still stand in his way -- the supreme court and the prime ministry.

the bill will see a referendum sometime in may 2017. in order to amend the turkish constitution, 330 of 550 parliament delegates must vote YES. erdogan's party currently controls 316 delegates.

I wonder how the U.S. will tolerate this. Probably will just turn a blind eye, given our track record. Armenian Genocide, anyone?

lmao this guy is such a bozo

So the attempted "coup" was probably set up by erdogan.

So the attempted "coup" was probably set up by erdogan.
it was pretty clearly a false-flag op, so yes.

i wonder how turkish citizens see these latest news. do the vast majority know its all a huge setup? can they even do anything about it?

I wonder how the U.S. will tolerate this. Probably will just turn a blind eye, given our track record. Armenian Genocide, anyone?
I'm all for letting the rest of the world sort out its problems while we focus on our own. We just have to stick our fingers into every loving pie we see don't we?

I'm all for letting the rest of the world sort out its problems while we focus on our own. We just have to stick our fingers into every loving pie we see don't we?
and if it doesn't just work out everyone's at fault for whatever goes down

who's bill

I actually thought this thread was referring to Bill Clinton at first

I actually thought this thread was referring to Bill Clinton at first
same rofl

I'm all for letting the rest of the world sort out its problems while we focus on our own. We just have to stick our fingers into every loving pie we see don't we?
its less sticking fingers in every loving pie and putting in some sort of effort to prevent other countries doing stupid stuff that leads into larger worldwide problems

for example, the world wars started with individual countries and the alliances that ended up in things loving up. we can't just ignore the rest of the world, cause other countries like the UK may have vested interest in Turkey not becoming a fascist country, and we can't just ignore our alliance with the big countries without severely undermining our status in the world or potentially screwing up our trade relations >> diminished economy.

Is anyone actually worried for the secondary impact this will have on the Kurds in Syria south of Turkey?

Is anyone actually worried for the secondary impact this will have on the Kurds in Syria south of Turkey?

it's only a matter of time before he starts invading lands for the turkish minorities