Author Topic: Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 5172 times)

no you're definitely fixed now i removed the gay bugs and now you're not gay anymore

fun fact: if you change just one pref you can place multiple sentries, but unfortunately can only controller the last sentry you placed. however they all work and they dont shoot each other and you can make some sort of tower defense mod with this probably

First off, lol. Second off, when you say tower defense, you mean with PLAYERS right?

Make a pref to make it only target bots and ill download

First off, lol. Second off, when you say tower defense, you mean with PLAYERS right?
yes it doesnt arbitrarily target bots. i was thiking like one person ,multiple sentries vs a team of people

Eeeeehh, I was thinkin' a TF2 or Overwatch server would serve as a funner setting for the little guys. I mean, we don't particularly need it to target bots since we can create those on our own using a few other add-ons. I found out that if I just download a turret vehicle and place a regular hole-bot spawn on my map, I can "event" the bot to be on one of the slayer teams and change it's datablock to the turret. Ya also have to give it a gun to work properly though. Greek made it so that regular hole bots will work with the slayer bots as long as their team name is the same as the one in the Slayer gui. They can't capture points, but they will shoot at enemy bots, and the bots will shoot at them.

ALSO, there WAS a sentry that shot at bots WAY back in 2009. Well, it only targeted zombies from that zombie mod...and players if you set it to, but it worked. Actually, there was even a player type, making all that hoo-nanny up there useless. Only problem is that my stupid McAcfee or whatever won't let me go to the site to download it. VERY irritating! Now, look...YOUR sentries ARE better, but if we wanted a co-op defense against some bot's, we can't do it. That's all we're saying.

Also, starting servers and waiting for folks to join is kind of annoying. XD To me, that's why bots are the best thing ever.

Only problem is that my stupid McAcfee or whatever won't let me go to the site to download it. VERY irritating!
Because it no longer works and redirects to some tabloid news article thing about lotion or something