
What is your favorite Linux Distro?

Ubuntu derivative/Mint, Elementary
Debian derivative (other than Ubuntu)
Arch derivative (Manjaro)
Other (Please specify)
Linux is for illegal hackers

Author Topic: Favorite Linux Distros?  (Read 5934 times)

Either Matriux or Kali, but for normal use, Ubuntu

elementary is stuff

it looks good but its loving awful

they have their own software center which is even more stuff than the ubuntu one

just wait for pantheon to become distro independant and put it on debian or something if you just like the way it looks
okay what about Apricity OS

okay what about Apricity OS

no idea of its functionality but it looks really good

even better than elementary imo

yeah that's prettier than elementary.

well i dual-booted Apricity with Windows but i somehow managed to break it because LOL arch linux is hard and i suck :'(

Debian is where it's at imo. I use it on weak laptops and servers, Windows is my daily driver though.

elementary is stuff

it looks good but its loving awful

they have their own software center which is even more stuff than the ubuntu one

just wait for pantheon to become distro independant and put it on debian or something if you just like the way it looks

fyi you can install pretty much any package manager on pretty much any distro.

trying out apricity rn in a vm and it actually seems like a cool distro to use

trying out apricity rn in a vm and it actually seems like a cool distro to use
It was really nice before I royally forgeted it up by trying to install graphics drivers. It's supposed to be relatively simple but something I did probably screwed up the settings in a really weird way so that it wasn't recognized by the nouveau open-source drivers.

It was really nice before I royally forgeted it up by trying to install graphics drivers. It's supposed to be relatively simple but something I did probably screwed up the settings in a really weird way so that it wasn't recognized by the nouveau open-source drivers.

The nouveau drivers are inferior to the proprietary ones in my experience. Unless you're being technopolitically-minded.