Author Topic: Is it possible to be edgy anymore?  (Read 2910 times)

what if you legitimately like metal music?
not rly, only some types of metal is edgy

how the hell does liking butts qualify as edgy

I feel like having very different ideas and tastes than most people your age in your area irl is pretty edgy. It makes you stand out, it even makes some people scared. This only works really well in a town where pretty much all people your age act the same.

In the recent surge of identity politics it's becoming increasingly more acceptable to be a massive piece of stuff, but there are things that are still universally condemned, like supporting rape or talking about how much you want to commit a mass shooting or something

It's really just dumb jokes and dark humor that eventually fades with maturity

I know how to spot trends and I've noticed that people like to make jokes revolving around "butts" like it makes them special, i.e. edgy

I'm already regretting this thread unless someone actually tries to answer the question
You don't know me very intimately but I think it's something people get used to
i'm confused

hardcore furry research with chainsaws as richards with a grown male dog against a little female kitten

all the true edge lords have grown up

heheheheheh u sed butts

someone said extreme feminism and I have to agree