Author Topic: Problem with vertical surface force  (Read 865 times)

I am trying to create a realistic flight model and I'm currently stuck on trying to edit the horizontal and vertical surface forces so that the plane has a somewhat realistic turn rate, but when the aircraft is banked even slightly, it tends to start "falling" towards the direction it is banked in ragardless of the amount of thrust the plane is given. The plane also seems to wobble really bad when rolling, which at first I thought was a problem with the center of mass being off, but the problem persisted after centering the model in both milkshape and by code. I also tried lowering the lift but that doesn't work either. This problem is very annoying and is kind of hard to explain so heres a video showing whats wrong.

I've experimented with surface forces above 2.0 and while they solve the problem, they're not really the desired results I'm looking for (aircraft has too much friction and turns too tightly) I currently have vertical surface force to 0.60 (editing horizontal surface force apparently has NO EFFECT at all. I've tried ridiculously high and low values with no luck) Has anyone else stumbled across this issue or knows whats really happening here?

heres the code
Code: [Select]
 //Handling Properties
  // Engine              
  engineTorque = 189; //0; // Engine power
  engineBrake = 0.054;         // Braking when throttle is 050
  brakeTorque = 5200;         // When brakes are applied
  maxWheelSpeed = 60; //200         // Engine scale by current speed / max speed

  forwardThrust = 4550; //5600
  reverseThrust = 45; //45

  // Maneuvering
  rollForce = 93000; //190000    
  yawForce = 30500; //27000  
  pitchForce = 48500; //32500
  horizontalSurfaceForce = 0.60; // Horizontal center "wing" (provides "bite" into the wind for climbing/diving and turning)
  verticalSurfaceForce = 0.60; // Vertical center "wing" (controls side slip. lower numbers make MORE slide.)

  rotationalDrag = 2.2; //5.8 // Anguler Drag (dampens the drift after you stop moving the mouse...also tumble drag)
  maxSteeringAngle = 12.75; //1.23 //0.9785 // Maximum yaw (horizontal) and pitch (vertical) steering angle in radians. should match animation)
  // Misc
  maxForwardVel = 130; //200
  maxReverseVel = 130; //200
  stallSpeed = 60; //0
  drag = 1.25; //0.25
  lift = 18; //10              
  mass = 100; //100
  density = 5.0; //5.0

  // Energy
  maxEnergy = 100;
  jetForce = 4000;
  minJetEnergy = 5;
  jetEnergyDrain = 0.6;
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 11:19:36 PM by kez »

If you're experiencing side-slip you need to increase the vertical surface force.